Remember when I asked my dad before you left two days ago he told me that he didn’t remember
anything about the lady in his carpool, Angie, not feeling well. My dad forgot to mention that
Angie was complaining about cramps in her stomach on the ride into work last Friday
morning (on the 6th) and he didn’t remember until he phoned her husband, Andy, after you
left. Her stomach cramps kept getting worse and worse once she was at work so she phoned her
husband to come pick her up at work and then he drove her to their doctor who is in Burnaby and
who sent her for a CT scan. The results from the CT scan showed that Angie had a growth in her
stomach, a growth that’s just a bit bigger than the size of a lemon. There was a bed
available at Burnaby General Hospital and she had her surgery at 9PM last Friday evening. My dad
guesses that Andy, who is retired, will be playing nurse for the next four weeks while Angie’s
off work.
You thought that I wasn’t ever gunna go to Coquitlam again until we went for our first
meeting over there at FVMH. I’ll tell you that those are the only times when I will go over to
Coquitlam are whenever we have to go to FVMH, and just because I took this step that you know I
said I wouldn’t take at first doesn’t mean that I feel the same about moving away from my
One reason why my mom thought that we should find another place for me to live would be
incase either she or my dad gets sick, like what if the same thing happens to one of them that
happened to Angie for example. Instead of doing a permanent move, why not just find a place
where I could go just temporarily maybe for a week or a couple months if while one of my parents
does get sick and then I could move back home once they are better. I
shouldn't have to meet new people only because I
don’t know anyone now who I could stay with if either one of my parents does get sick or if they
both get killed in a car accident.
What better candidate for me to live with other than Carol seeing as how she’s the only
person outside my family who I had such a long relationship with, and I wrote to you many times
about the other reasons why I think she’s the right person to care for me until she’s too old to
care for anybody. I remember you said at the meeting that we had with FVMH two months ago
back in April that I am open to build more relationships. And that is true, but I still want
wherever Carol will live to be where I’m based at. Again, I don’t want to be put through the
phase of moving away from home without any support from Carol.
And even if I could live with Carol, again I’d hope that there'd be someone who could come
and stay with me if Carol gets sick or if she hurts herself like either one of Carol’s
friends or one of her family members and someone who could stay with me if Carol’s daughter,
Krista, has a baby and a situation comes up where Carol would want to take her grandchild
My mom said that another reason why she and my dad want me to move out is because they say
that they don’t get enough time to themselves. They could’ve had time to themselves if Carol
didn’t lash out at me when they were on
vacation and I therefore wouldn’t have wanted them to come home early. And I remember one time
within the last few weeks my mom complained to me that she hardly gets to see our relatives
anymore since Carol stopped working with me. You know that Carol was okay with giving up her
Sunday every weekend to spend with me when she was my worker and my mom remembers that she was
able to stay a bit longer amount of time with me each Sunday afternoon than the amount of time
that you stay with me, my parents therefore had time to go out and visit our relatives in the
valley while Carol stayed with me. My mom says that if they go out to the valley on an afternoon
when you’re with me, then once they get out there it’ll just be time for them to turn
around and drive back home.
At least Scott should benefit from living away from his mom seeing as how the people who he
lives with now will take him out while his mom was too tired to take him out when he wanted to
go out after she would come home from work. It sounds to me like Scott’s mom would benefit more
than my parents from having time to herself.
I remember you read where I wrote “why did they have to choose Krista’s wedding picture out
of all the weddings pictures that are taken at Crescent Beach and at White Rock Beach.” I
would’ve been okay with them choosing Krista’s wedding picture as long as Carol was still
working with me right now because you know that I would’ve loved to discuss with her
(with Carol) about the picture being in the paper.
Now, you weren’t sure why I wrote
three messages ago
about “Carol’s name being on the list of staff at her school’s website.” And it wasn’t anything
to do with the altercation itself last August why I think negative about her name being on that
site. In addition to the following excerpt from the May 27th message which includes the portion
of that message you said you needed to read again, I’ll start by telling you about these dreams
that I’ve been having. Ever since I left High School and the two teachers who were in the
BASES program at Semiahmoo Secondary ((Maureen Linklater and Claudia Semaniuk) stopped
answering my E-mails, I’ve been having a lot of these weird dreams in which I’m still going to
High School and still in the BASES program while I’m just not allowed to E-mail the two
teachers. You obviously know that in real life the teachers from Semiahmoo Secondary didn’t stop
answering my E-mails until after I left High School and I haven’t saw either of them in person
since before they stopped writing to me. Now, I’ve been having similar dreams about Carol since
our relationship ended last August. I can live with having the dreams for the rest of my life
that I have about the teachers from Semi, but I don’t want to keep having the dreams about Carol
and you’ll learn when you read this following excerpt that the only way for me to stop having
these dreams about Carol would be if her and my relationship could be healed. I was originally
going to tell about the dreams in the May 27th message, but I told you that my mom had me
editing that message and she had me erase a lot of stuff from it before I finally sent it to
you...including erasing the stuff about having the dreams. My mom told me when she had me erase
that stuff from the message that she thinks having the dreams is normal because she (my
mom) says that she too has dreams about stuff that has happened in the past in her life.
Tuesday May 27,2008:
> And Carol’s and my relationship wasn’t just about things that she borrowed:
> Friday Feb.8,2008:
> > ...she borrowed our pressure washer one summer, she also borrowed our rug cleaner
(our shampooer)
> > another time, she even borrowed my camera tripod for Krista’s wedding last summer,
Carol said my
> > mom was in her (Carol’s) dream once, we invited Carol to our
birthday dinners, my dad gave
> > her a fish one summer when we got a big order of sockeye salmon,
and when my cousin,
> > David, passed away we bought Carol a $50
HBC (Hudson's Bay Company) gift card as thanks
> > all the extra help she was for us at that time. She even took time off school then to stay
with me so
> > that both of my parents could attend David’s funeral...I don’t
think a lot of people though would
> > call in sick for things like that even if they got paid
> • It’s just not right that Carol’s name is on this page (list of staff) of her school’s website during those nine months that I
> didn’t have any contact with her. And I don’t want anyone to suggest that “her name be taken off that site”
> because that won’t solve it. The only way to solve this would be if Carol’s and my relationship could be healed and also
> if we at least start to see each other again on a regular basis after our relationship has been healed instead of just once or
> twice. Now is this any way for me to be punished just for wanting my parents to come home a day early?
> I can’t believe that I can still see Carol’s name on that website while I’m no longer seeing her. I can’t believe that this is
> the same lady who I said borrowed things from us, did a lot of things (things that only other family members would
> do in most of these type of situations) to help us after David passed away, etc. I also can’t believe that this is the
> same lady who said this to me as soon as she saw me for the first time once she had found out that I was
> constipated on the day before, quote “Oh Neil, are you not feeling well” ...
It shouldbe obvious to you by now that Maureen had made her own decision to end the
relationship that I had with her for whatever reason and that my parents didn’t have a say in or
any control over whether or not that relationship ended while again it wasn’t just about
the sunscreen why I held my parents accountable for ending the relationship that I had with
Carol, I detailed two other reasons in the message that I sent you on Wednesday Feb.13,2008 and
I repeated them in the May 27th message. I don’t think it should be up to my parents to decide
whether any of my relationships end. As for healing Carol’s and my relationship, I’m all for
sending her a letter anytime. I just didn’t want to say anything about this to my mom in person
because you know that she’ll answer by saying quote “Carol’s not coming back” while I myself
don’t want her to continue getting away with saying that. You also remember that I was for
sending a letter to Carol since all the way back at Valentines Day but my mom just didn’t sound
too enthused at that time. If my parents did have this “control” in whether or not Carol’s and
my relationship ends they’d want me to do a big goodbye for Carol, I already had to do a big
goodbye for Maureen and I don't want to have to do the same for Carol. It has now
been almost ten months since the last time I saw Carol and it will pretty soon be a year since
the last time I saw her, I just have to see her again in person before that happens.
And my mom thought that we should look for another worker to use as a backup worker for the
times when you can’t make it. I also remember that my dad talked about looking for a backup
worker for me before Carol stopped working with me for the few times when she couldn’t
make it. I don’t want another new worker only because Carol could be afraid of me. I know for a
fact that we didn’t have a contract when Carol was working with me, I have a contract with you
and I had a contract with Amir when he was my worker before I had Carol. And the contract that I
had with Amir was only good for one year. I remember you said that your contract with Scott ends
at the end of this month while up until the altercation last August Carol kept saying to me that
she would always have me and that 30-year-old girl who I told you that she works with and who’s
name is Jennifer after she (Carol) retires from her school job hopefully in no later than
three years from now (year 2011).
In addition to all of this stuff about living away from home, I can clean up the bathroom myself most times after I’ve had a really upset stomach. It’s just that I told you in the message I sent you on Sunday May 25,2008 that once I’m living somewhere else I’d still want there to be someone on the other side of the door for that “level of comfort” when I’m spending a long period of time in the bathroom. Maybe not necessarily on the other side of the door, I’d rather someone (and not a roommate, a caretaker) live with me in my house or apartment instead of me having my own apartment...someone who could be on the other side of the house or apartment, again not necessarily on the other side of the door when I spend long periods of time in the bathroom.
Also in addition to all of this stuff about living away from home, you know that I don’t want to live somewhere that isn’t in South Surrey. Here are two excerpts from the message that I sent you on Sunday Feb.24,2008:
> When we started looking to move away from Whalley, we were just thinking about moving to
> like either Guildford or Fleetwood until we found out how bad the schools were in those areas.
You heard
> my dad say that we then thought about Langley and
that Walnut Grove seemed to have a crowded
> population. We also decided in the end not to live anywhere else in Langley because it would
have been
> too far for my dad to go to work, also there was only one vision teacher for all of Langley at
that time and
> he already had a full schedule. After Langley, we looked at Ladner but the schools there also
> lots of portables at that time so therefore would have been crowded. In the end, it came to
> Tsawwassen or “South Surrey/White Rock.” The schools in Tsawwassen didn’t seem too crowded,
but I
> didn’t want to live in either Tsawwassen or Ladner because we would have been too far away
from everything
> including our relatives. Once we decided on South
Surrey, we already knew that Elgin Park didn’t have the help for
> me at that time so it came to either EMS or Semi. Elgin Park does have a BASES program now
BTW, but it
> only started a few years ago and Carol told me that it’s poorly run even though they’re trying
to improve it. We
> chose Semi because we found the house we’re in now which was in the catchment area for Semi
and decided
> that we liked the house. Almost every time when Carol and me went for a walk in my
neighbourhood while she
> was my worker she would say to me and you also told me yourself that I live in a nice
neighbourhood, Carol
> liked my neighbourhood because it had nice trees and lots of trails to go walking...
> If I end up having to move, I’ll miss my nice neighbourhood and I’ll be disappointed to leave
South Surrey. I’d
> rather live in a nice neighbourhood if I could have my way instead of living in the kind of
neighbourhood like that
> other one in South Surrey that you told me about where lots of cars got broken into or instead
of any
> neighbourhood in Whalley. I also feel punished to have to leave my neighbourhood and to leave
behind a lot of
> the good things I got at this house...I had hoped to stay in this house as long as I could and
for my parents to
> care for me until they’re too old to do so...
You even said to me yourself one time within the last few months when we were walking on
these trails that my neighbourhood has a good variety of trails to choose from, again I don’t
want to have to leave all that. I don’t want to move to a neighbourhood in either Langley or
North Surrey. I also wouldn’t be as close to my Safeway Chinese food and I therefore wouldn’t
get to have it as often. And if you think about it you might realize that we moved to South
Surrey only because of me, my parents might not have ended up in the house that we’re in now if
they didn’t have me and if they didn’t have to worry about finding a school for me in the right
Another thing I wrote about in a previous message was that if I could have my way I don’t
want to move out without taking Chloe with me because I like to sleep with her every night. My
mom said that she knows I wouldn’t want to clean up after Chloe who you know throws up almost
every morning and she (my mom) thought that I’d probably be better to have a different
cat if the people who I end up living with will allow me to have a pet. I don’t want another
cat, it has to be Chloe. I don’t know if Carol would want three cats if somehow it just happens
that I end up living with her, so maybe my parents could take Izzy with them to wherever they
end up going and Carol and me could take Chloe and Yari seeing as how whenever I go up to Izzy
lately either she’ll attack me or she’ll run away from me until this morning when I was able to
pick her up for a few minutes and give her a nice pet.
And before the time when Carol stayed overnight with me last August when we had the
altercation speaking about the vacations, she told us about how she knew about a lot of other
workers who would take the kid overnight but not pick up the kid until 6PM and then have it back
home early the next morning and therefore the parents obviously wouldn’t get much of a break.
Until that altercation, I thought that I would’ve been lucky to have Carol overnight seeing as
how she was one of few workers who would’ve stayed with me for the amount of time that my
parents had wanted to go away for. Can you
believe that the same lady who said this about most other workers
lashed out at me by
saying, quote “if you hit your mom I won’t come see you anymore” which I’m
aware that you yourself thought it wasn’t acceptable? Can
you believe that the same lady who
lashed out at me bent over backwards for me
by calling in sick so that she could stay with me while my parents attended my cousin, David’s,
funeral after he passed away, again this is something that I don’t think a lot of people would
do? And once again, can you believe that the
same lady who lashed out at me said to me
over the phone in a calm tone of voice. two
weeks before the altercation that she “still wanted to come spend those two nights with me”
after I myself wasn’t sure if I was ready yet to do two nights or if I wanted my parents to go
away overnight at all?
You were right when you said a couple days ago that I haven’t watched movies for a long time,
I will tell you it has now been three and a half years. I haven’t watched any movies since the
altercation a few days into the year 2005 when I was going to watch
“the Grinch”
with my mom. There were many times since that altercation when I had planned to watch “the
Grinch” with my mom but either there would be another altercation or something else that would
stop me, one of those many times was at the beginning of last November (Nov 2007) when I
planned to watch it with my mom until I found out that you were coming for the first time so I
then decided that I wanted to wait until after you started working with me for a month or two so
that I wouldn’t have had too much to get use to at one time. Another of those many times when I
had planned to watch “the Grinch” was a few months later and only a few days after New Years
Day, but obviously you know long by now that the most recent altercation which took place only a
few days before New Years Day was what stopped me that time. And that altercation near
the beginning of 2005 was only one month after Carol first started to do my respite so I
therefore didn’t get to watch too many movies with Carol, I had looked forward to doing lots of
things with Carol until this altercation came up in January 2005. We couldn’t even watch movies
on the evenings when Carol did stay overnight for just one night. And speaking about movies, I
remember one time within the last week or two you asked me if I plan to see
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”
once it comes to DVD. Of course I would like to see “the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” seeing as
how I’ve seen the original three, it was in the message that I sent you on Wednesday Mar.26,2008
when I first told you that I own the Indiana Jones fullscreen DVD franchise.
And I also remember you said about how you noticed that I like three singers whose first
names are Neil;Neil Diamond, Neil Young, and Neil Sedaka. Also notice that I like three artists
who are blind; Ray Charles, Ronnie Milsap, and Stevie Wonder. And did you know that Edgar Winter
has albinism just like I do, but we took one of his CDs out of the library many years ago and
for some reason I didn’t want to listen to it. I don’t remember why I didn’t want to listen to
it, I don’t remember if maybe I heard pieces of that CD and then decided that it wasn’t quite
the type of music that I like.
A couple news points:
• My parents told me that they saw on yesterday’s news the story about some of
the Bill Reid stuff that was stolen from UBC’s Museum of Anthropology last week was found at a
house in Burnaby, but my parents don’t know whether all the pieces of stolen art were
• Thursday June 5,2008: A caption on the front page of this date’s Vancouver Sun quote, “good
weather for ducks.”
Speaking about the rain, it was pouring buckets outside when my mom went to get the mail
yesterday afternoon so she had to take an umbrella with her and the only umbrella she could find
was an old beat up one that we have. And then the weather kept getting worse and worse, and the
water was running over our eaves trough. Did you get the heavy rain and thunder that we got a
few hours after my mom went to get the mail? After all of yesterday’s bad weather my mom told me
that they said a few things about White Rock at the end of the six o’clock news; some of Marine
Drive got flooded and one mudslide was reported somewhere in White Rock. My dad took a video in
our front yard when it was really raining and I’ll send you a copy of the video once I download
it off my Sony camera as well as maybe also post it on YouTube.
I remember you asked me a couple days ago if I’m okay with thunder and you told me that Scott
isn’t okay with it, I am okay with it but it just wakes me up. I also remember you asked me if I
felt any of the small earthquakes that we’ve had within the last ten years, when I asked my mom
about this she reminded me about the time after one of the earthquakes when she called my dad at
work to see if he felt it and it was after this same earthquake when everyone was doing what
they shouldn’t be doing after an earthquake...tie up the phone lines.
A couple cat stories:
• Monday June 9,2008: Izzy wanted my mom to throw the spring for her so my mom
threw it but then Izzy didn’t grab it.
• Tuesday June 10,2008 - morning: Izzy was being a pain again, she was on the deck
waiting at the family room door to be let inside so my mom lets her in and then she just
scratches on the glass part of our family room door wanting out again.
Points about meals and snacks:
• Sunday June 8,2008: My dad went over to the Peninsula Village Safeway after you
left to get my salad for supper and one of the big smartie cookies for my dessert. My dad got
the chicken cobb salad at that location but the only big cookies that they had were a kind that
I don’t like. We didn’t know why, but for some reason the Peninsula Village Safeway was almost
out of a lot of things at that time. They didn’t have any smaller bulk cookies left in their
dessert section and I just told you that the only kind of big cookie that they had left was some
kind that I wouldn’t like, this location was even running low on milk. My dad then drove to the
Ocean Park Safeway where they had lots of big smartie cookies, he got me one that had
three green smarties.
• Sunday June 8,2008: After my evening snack, my mom let me try a small piece of her “Fibre
Source APPLE COBBLER” bar. I liked it, I’ll have to have a whole one myself for one of my
evening snacks after I told you in the message that I sent you last Monday (on the 2nd of
this month) that my mom got a whole box of these.
• Tuesday June 10,2008: For my evening snack tonight I plan to have some peanut butter
WILLOCRISPs. My mom got a box of these a while back and I’ll tell you that the brand who makes
these, Neilson, is the same brand who makes the GOLDEN BUDS that I like.
Points about excerpts that you weren’t clear on:
• Wednesday June 4,2008:
> Also when we were driving on 32nd Avenue this morning on our way out, I pointed out that
school to my
> mom that you saw had been boarded up. That was Kensington Prairie elementary school...
Kensington Prairie elementary school is at 168th Street and 32nd
> ...and my mom thinks that their last year in session might’ve been last year. BTW, my mom
read in the
> local paper last week but she didn’t tell me until this week that the Surrey SPCA might be
moving to
> somewhere around 176th Street and Colebrook
Road because the building that they are in right now
> is really old and small.
• Saturday June 7,2008:
> ...She got my dad a new Garth Brooks CD and the
X-Men trilogy
(all three of the movies) on DVD. The
> DVDs and the CD were suppose to be for him for Father's Day next
weekend but as soon as my
> mom showed me what she got for him once she got home, I then said to her that if I
> correctly I was pretty sure that he already had all three of the X-Men movies on DVD. S
he then went
> into the computer room downstairs to look at his DVD towers and discovered that I was right,
so as
> soon as my dad came home a few minutes later she told him right then what she got for him
“ for
> Father's Day” ...
And by the way, John, again my mom told my dad that she got for him the X-Men DVDs and the Garth Brooks CD which you know that he exchanged but my dad doesn’t know yet what I got him. Again, my mom picked up the second National Treasure DVD for me to give to him but he’s not gunna get that until this coming Sunday which again is Father’s Day.
Points about other stuff that’s happened within the last few weeks:
• I remember you told me that you got a speeding ticket at one time. My dad got a
speeding ticket not once but twice, one just within the last few years when he was driving on
King George on his way up to North Surrey and another sometime before I was born when he was
driving back after working out of town.
• You asked me when you were here just two days ago if I ever smoked a cigar, I told you
before that I never smoked before (this includes both cigars and cigarettes) and I never
plan to. And then you asked me if my dad ever smoked a cigar, when I asked him he said that he
himself tried a few puffs a long time ago but didn’t like it so he never had one again though my
uncle, Robert, smokes these all the time.
• You also asked me when you were here two days ago if I know who gave us those flowers that
you saw on our kitchen table. My dad got those for my mom when he walked over to the store last
weekend to get scratches.
• First you were looking at my mom’s cookbooks a couple of the times while we were cropping,
and now I remember another time within the last few weeks when you were looking at my dad’s
workshop books. You haven’t found my cousin, Paul, and his wife, Agnes’s, wedding book yet which
is also where the cookbooks and workshop books are, my mom said that you could have a look at
that sometime when we’re cropping.
And speaking about Paul and Agnes, remember I told you that Agnes is a stewardess. When my
grandparents were in the Edmonton airport a few weekends ago (on Saturday May 31,2008),
they were waiting for their flight to come back home when they found a Tim Hortons (in
the airport) where they decided to sit and have a coffee when Agnes came up to their table and
asked them if she could sit with them. Funny that she would run into them there. Agnes got
called to fill in for another stewardess on a flight to Edmonton and she too was then waiting
for her flight to come back home, she stayed with my grandparents until they were called for
their flight.
• Wednesday June 4,2008: When my dad first got up at 6AM and before he left for work, he
opened the curtains in the dining room when he thought he saw Izzy sitting on the back fence and
wondered “what’s Izzy doing out there.” He then looked closer and saw that this cat looked just
like Izzy but this one was more of a chocolaty colour. And that’s the same spot on the back
fence where we usually see Izzy sitting when she’s eyeing up the birds.
• And were your channels stuck last night? My mom was watching TV yesterday evening when all
of a sudden the channel that she was watching got stuck, the channel that my dad was watching in
the family room got stuck a few minutes before. A few of the channels were still working after
this, but most of them were stuck.
And your surprises that we have discovered so far after the last time when you were
• Sunday June 8,2008: When my mom was getting supper ready an hour after you
left, she opened the cupboard to grab a glass from inside and as soon as she opened the door a
Sammy snake toy fell down.
• Monday June 9,2008 - morning: When my mom went to feed one of the cats, she lifted up one
of the dishes on the kitchen floor to discover a ping pong ball.
• Monday June 9,2008 - evening: My mom and Chloe were sitting together on the loveseat
watching TV when Chloe started pawing at something. My mom tried to see what Chloe was pawing at
when she discovered the third of your surprises to be discovered, a glow in the dark ping pong
ball between the cushions.
• You can download all of the images that we cropped two days ago on Sunday at
image58b(1).bmp - My mom also likes this picture.
image59a.bmp - All of the green
area on this image indicates where we have already cropped and where there is a smooth palette,
the white shows where we haven’t yet cropped. And I’m not sure how to go about it from here
seeing as how if we continue going up from where we started to crop the sides of the title card
we’d then be cutting into the writing. We’d also be cutting into the writing if we continue to
crop horizontally to the left from the top of the squares. And you remember that I tried to line
up the squares myself the best I could but don’t want to do anymore or I’d be cutting into
images and/or text, maybe someone on the internet who’s good at drawing could do a professional
job of lining up the boxes for me as well as make all six of them the same width and height.
image59a.bmp - The already cropped green area painted
white, the rest of the white area (what we haven’t cropped yet) is still grainy.
• At the next location, you’ll find image52.bmp which I tried to send you a few months ago but
had errors trying to put it in a ZIP file:
• And in the attached ZIP file (June 8 you’ll find all of the pictures that my
dad took at Kris’s two days ago using the camera on my mom’s cell phone:
SSPX0006.jpg - There’s my friend Kris.
SSPX0008.jpg - The baby is Kris’s brother, Timothy’s, son, Graham. Now you know that Kris has a
nephew, and you can also see Timothy’s legs.
SSPX0009.jpg and SSPX0010.jpg -
Two different views of Kris’s apartment taken from outside, his apartment is the one on the
bottom row.
Just before my parents left his place two days ago speaking about Kris, they talked to his
grandma for a few minutes in the hallway outside his apartment. She was telling them about the
fact that Kris doesn’t keep his place tidy and that she goes over to his place every so often to
bug him about keeping his place clean. She also told my parents that Kris spends all of his
spare time on anime and playing with his remote control cars.
And we didn’t notice until my mom and I were making out Kris’s housewarming card the day
before Sunday (on Saturday the 7th) that the $25 gift card we got for him from the Bay said
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” inside so my mom got out a white stick-on label for me to write a message on
and then we would stick it over the “HAPPY BIRTHDAY.” The label that my mom got out was too big
for inside the gift card so she had to cut it down a bit smaller and she didn’t know until after
she cut it that she had cut through two.
I look forward to reading your comments about the images before Thursday.
P.S. I guess that I can take the link to Earl Marriott’s website off the list now that you
told me you’ve went there.
Forum post: A few questions about host quote *
Forum post: Need help choosing an avatar and a signature *
Movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carrey)
Movie: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Movie: National Treasure: The Book of Secrets (2007) *
Movie trilogy: X-Men trilogy *
My ISP’s website: *
Smilies website: [A website on which I do not know the language.] *
Website hosting provider: iWeb *
* denotes a link that was in the message I sent you
on Friday May 30,2008.
• a green star (*) denotes a link that
I had originally included in the message that I sent you on Sunday Apr.27,2008.
• a blue star (*) denotes a link that
was in the last message that I sent you on Saturday June 7,2008.
• a red star (*) denotes a link that
was in the message I sent you on Wednesday June 4,2008 but forgot to include at the bottom of
the June 7th message.