I’m glad you liked the last message I sent you and I’m glad you thought it was “insightful.”
I wasn’t surprised that you’d disagree about some of it. My mom kept me until after 9PM that
evening (on Tuesday) editing that message and she had me erase a lot of stuff from that
message before I finally sent it even though I had it ready to go much earlier than that. She
and I cooperated while editing that message and we talked back and forth. And coincidently on
that same day (Again, on Tuesday) before I sent you the message, my mom was cleaning out our
freezer in the garage when she came across those three cupcakes that I told you I have left
which she had forgot about for a long time until that day. She threw them out when she cleaned
out her freezer that day because all three of them had gone bad.
Yesterday after you left, a magazine about White Rock came in the Peace Arch local newspaper.
And there was a picture in there from Carol’s daughter, Krista’s, wedding taken at the White
Rock Pier. I could show you the picture when you’re here on Sunday, but I’ll also tell you that
the reason why that picture is in there is to show that some people like to get their wedding
pictures taken at White Rock Beach and Crescent Beach. And why does it have to be a picture from
her wedding that they put in there out of all the weddings in which pictures are taken at
these two beaches! This isn’t fair, John, this sounds to me like the same thing about “Carol’s
name being on her school’s website” if you know what I mean. I would’ve loved to discuss with
Carol about her daughter’s picture being in the paper when she would come on the next Sunday,
you remember you read in a few of my previous messages I use to share things that were in the
paper with her up until the altercation last August. And if I ever see Carol or
anybody she knows when I’m out in public and while our relationship still isn’t healed, I can’t
just walk by without bursting over to them and saying something.
I phoned my friend, Kris, yesterday after
you left and he said that it’s okay if you and I show up at his place at 2PM on Sunday. I’ll go
out with my mom to Krispy Kremes in the morning that same day and we’ll get a box of six donuts.
One time a few years ago when I went with Carol to see Kris, we took a box of six donuts that
mom and I got from Tim Hortons. Me, Kris, and Carol each had two donuts out of that box, we can
let Kris keep any donuts that end up being leftover this time. My favorite donuts from Krispy
Kremes are of course the round coloured sprinkle ones that have a hole in the center, Krispy
Kremes coloured sprinkle use to come either white iced, chocolate iced, or glazed though I
haven’t seen either the white iced or the glazed ones there for a long time that have coloured
sprinkles. White iced was my preference of those three when they use to have all three. The only
other two types of donuts they have at Krispy Kremes that I like and are round with holes in the
center are the chocolate iced white donut (white donut that has chocolate icing) and the
original white glazed. And you read before that I’ll still eat Tim Hortons donuts even though
Krispy Kremes are my preference...I do prefer Krispy Kremes coloured sprinkled and round
chocolate iced donut to these ones that Tim Hortons has while the only donut at Tim Hortons that
I prefer to Krispy Kremes is the double chocolate, another round donut with a hole in the
center, because Krispy Kremes double chocolate only have chocolate on the
outside (and are chocolate iced of course) but are white inside while Tim Hortons’ are
chocolate all the way through. We can also put a few donuts in the box that I don’t like when
mom and I go there on Sunday, ones that either you or Kris might like.
To get to Kris’s place out in Langley from
where I live, head North on 148th Street and keep following it straight ahead until it curves
onto 32nd Avenue. Now keep going straight on 32nd passed McDonald's but this time don’t turn
left at the first light after we go under the freeway (at 152nd Street), instead keep
going straight on 32nd all the way out to 200th. Follow 200th north to 53rd Avenue and then turn
right at 53rd. I feel that I’m a hypocrite to still be talking to and seeing my friends while
I’m no longer seeing Carol.
Another heavy thing that‘ll write about today speaking about seeing Kris and about getting
the Krispy Kremes...a few days ago when I suggested to my mom that you come at 1PM on Sunday but
first I’ll got out with her in the morning and get the donuts, she answered by saying that we
could either get the donuts on Sunday morning or on Saturday afternoon. I then asked her why she
said “either Sunday morning or on Saturday afternoon” after she had already read about
my original plans
when she read the May 14th message before I sent it to you. She said that she thought I might
like to sleep in on Sunday and that she forgot until I asked her my second question
(being my question about why she suggested Saturday afternoon after she read about my original
plans in a previous message) that I had already wrote about it in a previous E-mail. It seems to
me like she doesn’t remember anything that she reads in my messages before I send them to
you, no matter whether I say it just once in one message, whether I say the same thing in two
different messages, or whether I say the same thing a bunch of times in numerous messages.
Wednesday May 14,2008:
> ...I thought that maybe we could bring him some Krispy Kremes donuts for our snack that
afternoon. My mom
> and I could go out and get the donuts earlier in the day before I go with you over to
I also don’t know why she thought I might like to sleep in on Sunday if she knows that I get
up as early as 9AM lots of the mornings on days when I go with her shopping.
And one other heavy thing for today, one that is similar to the one that I just wrote about
above in which I say that my mom doesn’t get anything
right. A few weeks ago when I first suggested to my mom that you and I
have a Chinese dinner on the holiday Monday (on Victoria Day) and that you told me that
you didn’t have any plans for that day, she then responded and said that you might have your own
plans for that day. I then asked her why she even said that if I had already said the same thing
right before she said it, and she said that she was agreeing with me. I don’t see this how is a
way of agreeing with me, I don’t know any other people who would agree in this kind of way. It
seems that every time when her and me go through this type of situation even if I say at the
beginning when I first start talking, she has to say the same thing herself anyway after I say
When Serena was here two days ago, we narrowed our selection down to two out of the four
videos that I thought helped me to relax. And now she wants me to watch the shorter five minute
one every Sunday evening after I turn off my computer and before I go to bed, she wanted me to
watch that one every second evening at first but we then she quote “negotiated it down from once
every two days to just once every week.” She thought for some reason that I sounded hesitant
before we negotiated and I’ll tell you that’s because I don’t find it necessary to watch
a relaxation video at all, not even once per week. I know that a lot of people out there don’t
need to watch relaxation videos on a regular basis, and I also wrote to you before that I’m not
keen about the idea of seeing a behavioral specialist on a regular basis. Now after we watched
the videos two days ago and when we were making the origamis, she asked me what kind of fortunes
I would like to see in those things. You can put a maximum of four fortunes in each origami by
the way. Once I had already written three in mine, she suggested that a fourth one be “you will
live to 102.” I would’ve just loved to change the last two words in that last fortune, “you will
live with Carol.” And I’ll let you know that Serena’s coming back on Thursday June 12th
at 3PM and she wants to meet with my parents this time, so you and I could once again hang out
while they chat.
Other stories from the newspaper (and that have been on the TV news) this last
• My dad was listening to the news on JRfm last Sunday afternoon (on the
25th) when they said that the space probe landed safely on the Northern part of Mars, they
didn’t know until this moment from the time when the probe left Earth whether or not it would
land safely. There was a 50/50 chance that it would destroy itself immediately upon landing on
Mars, it started sending signals once it landed so they knew that it was safe.
• My dad saw at the beginning of the 5:30 news (Global National) last Sunday that
there was another big earthquake in China, this time at least one person was killed and 400
others were injured.
• My mom saw on the Noon News last Monday (the 26th) the story about the farm truck
that was stolen in Maple Ridge, and they showed the police chase on live the Morning News.
• You showed me a picture in the Vancouver Sun when you were here last Monday of wolves
crossing the road in Jasper. I’ve been there many years ago with my parents in the summer of
1997. We did not originally plan on going to Jasper on that trip, but then we ended up near
there so we decided that we would go. We didn’t stay overnight in Jasper though, we just spent
the afternoon there on that day.
• My mom called me into the family room two nights ago (on Wednesday evening) when she
saw the story on the six o’clock news about the missing cat, Vinny, who was found behind a
bathroom wall after he had been missing for two weeks. Vinny disappeared when his owner was
having his bathroom renovated. Until the owner heard sounds coming from behind his wall, he
thought that a coyote had got his cat.
• You already know about the murder-suicide in Calgary that’s been on the news the last
couple days, but I’m not giving up on writing
about all of these stories while feeling optimistic that I’ll get to share them with Carol one
day. Anyway, five people were killed in this crossfire; the parents, two of their children, and
a tenant who lived in their basement. The couple’s one-year-old baby is still alive.
When we went for our walk last Monday, remember I commented about how a lot of those
houses in that neighbourhood on the other side of 140th have three car garages (and a few
have four car garages). Here is what I said in the message that I wrote to you on Sunday May
4,2008 about why I think the three of us might benefit from having a three car garage:
> ...Seriously now, I know that we don’t really have room for a third vehicle because our
garage is only big enough
> to park two. The reason why I asked my parents what they thought about having three vehicles
was because if
> we do get a new car I thought we could also keep our 2001 Honda so that my mom could still go
out on the
> days when I would want to go out with my dad. I suggested to my parents that maybe there’d be
room to park
> a second vehicle out back in my dad’s workshop if we shoved the Hillman over to one side. We
could install an
> electric opener on the garage door to my dad’s shop, and then my dad could even back out the
vehicle and park
> it in our back alley if he ever needed more room when he wants to do some work in the shop.
You agreed with
> me yourself that newer hybrid cars would be better for the environment than my mom’s current
2001 Honda...
I wonder if whether or not that portion of 19th Avenue that I highlighted in red on the map
that I attached would be any quieter than my street seeing as how the entrance to the park is at
the end of that cul-de-sac. And then remember on our walk yesterday we saw the house somewhere
on the green portion of 19A Avenue that has three gables on the top floor (on the South
side). I’d benefit from a similar kind of house that would have three windows all on the North
side but are not gables and don’t stick out like gables do, something more like the house that I
live in now whereas how you see the two upstairs windows on the North side but again with three
windows so that I could have my living/TV room, my computer room, and my bedroom all on the
North side. Another reason why I’m not sure about the house we saw yesterday that has the gables
would be because I’m not sure whether or not that portion of 19A (again highlighted in
green) would be any quieter than the street I live on now seeing the portion of 138th Street
highlighted in light orange which exits to 20th Avenue and the portion of 139A Street
highlighted in light pink, therefore there might be a lot of cars roaring around that area. Or
if this is a quiet street, it might be nice to live across the street from that fountain you and
I saw that is marked on my map with that little black dot that is near the X, the dot marks
roughly the spot where that fountain is. You suggested that I don’t tell my mom until I walk by
there with her about how loud the fountain is seeing how she’ll of course be reading this
message before I send it to you, but I have to agree with you that I wouldn’t want to live
in that area if I have to listen to that thing all day. Couldn’t a much quieter pump like the
one that my dad has on his pond be used? I wish that fish could live in that one we
walked by . Now I had
this thought a few times before the latest altercation that took place only a few days after
Christmas whereas if we had won one of those lottery prize of the ones that has the
master bedroom on the main floor while the upstairs is quite big so that Carol could move in
with us and then we could convert the upstairs to a separate suite for her and I to live in
while my parents would’ve got the rest of the house. Also, I think that pond that we walked by
on 19A Avenue would be just the thing for my backyard (if I have one) at where I live in
the future seeing as how I think that would just look perfect in a yard where there is no lawn
and almost nothing but concrete, I wouldn’t have to worry about cutting my lawn if I had a
backyard that was mostly concrete but with maybe a few flowerbeds, walkways, etc. If I go back
there with my mom sometime, maybe I could bring my camera along and take a picture of the pond
to send to you and to upload onto my Flickr account once I do get around to creating it.
Remember when you were here last Monday (on the 26th), you asked me where I get those
maps that I modify before I send them to you. And then when I told you that I get them from the
website, you then asked me if you could access those maps
with Shaw being your ISP. You can still access the myTELUS website even if Telus is not your
ISP, the myTELUS website can be accessed from any internet provider just like I can access the
Shaw website with no problems.
My parents went out to Willowbrook Mall yesterday afternoon while you were with me,
Chloe tore one of my blue T-shirts that I bought at Sears a few years ago. The
Willowbrook Sears didn’t have the right T-shirt, the one that Chloe tore a hole in has a tag in
the back of the neck, instead all the ones that my mom saw at Sears yesterday have writing in
the back of the neck and just a tag sewn in the bottom. I’m not sure if I like having a tag sewn
in the bottom because it might bug me. The numbers on the tag that was in the back of the neck
on the shirt that Chloe tore are “CA#00222” and “item#64814,” and the size is medium (M).
They also looked in SportChek when they were in the mall at sandals for me after they saw some
pairs advertised in a SportChek flyer that came in the paper a few days ago. They had one plain
black pair that had Velcro straps, but my mom said that they have just a tiny bit of a bumpy
design on the top of their soles though she thought I might like them. We might stop in at the
other SportChek, the one in Strawberry Hills, when mom and I go out to Krispy Kremes on Sunday
morning and if this location has the same pair I could try them on and then decide whether or
not I like them. If I don’t end up liking that pair, my mom told me that she also saw in the
Willowbrook SportChek another Velcro pair that’s a bit more expensive and doesn’t have any bumpy
designs on the top of their soles but don’t come in black. This pair only comes in either brown
or grey, I don’t know if you’d agree with me but I myself think that grey would look better on
me than brown if I end up having to go with this pair. Or I wonder if it might be possible to
buy black shoe paint and then paint the grey pair of sandals black.
When my mom was out last Monday (on the 26th) while you were with me, she picked up
National Treasure
DVD at Costco for me to give to my dad for Father's Day. She thought she might as well pick it
up while she was there seeing how it was the same price at Costco as it is everywhere else where
we saw it, and I will pay her for it on my next rent cheque. After she left Costco that day, she
drove back to South Surrey and took a few books out of the Ocean Park library about nutrition
and fibre and then she went across the street to Chan's and got me some raspberries which I had
for dessert after supper the next day (on Tuesday) with brown sugar.
My dad just got home from work early at 4PM, he got a sore throat after Ying, the engineer
who came back from China on Monday, was coughing and hacking all week and he had a bottle of
cough syrup on his desk. My dad thought maybe he got a “Chinese cold” after sitting next to Ying
when he was having his coffee this morning, and my dad also thought he might make himself some
hot rum right now.
Other points about snacks and drinks that I had this last week:
• Monday May 26,2008 - evening snack: I had some of the Neapolitan ice cream that
I told you my mom got last month with bananas in a dish.
• A correction to the message that I sent you on
Sunday May 25,2008...I don’t know why I wrote that I had a pear
for my afternoon snack that same day (on Sunday), the pears that my mom got at that time
weren’t ripe yet. I had green grapes for my afternoon snack last Sunday, I did have a couple
pears for my afternoon snack two days ago (on Wednesday) after Serena left. The first
pear that my mom cut up had a few bad spots so she cut up a second one for me and I therefore
got a few extra slices.
• And for my evening snack tonight, I hope to open that bottle of Coke that my dad got for
free from the liquor store and have some Doritos (the kind I like that is not so spicy)
with that.
A few other points while we’re on the topic about food:
• My dad brought home a white milk chocolate wafer for me last Tuesday (on
the 27th) that Sudhakar at my dad’s work brought back from Japan.
• Remember you heard a message being recorded yesterday afternoon on our answering machine
from the Royal Bank about their Customer Appreciation Day coming up on Friday June 13th, and you
also heard in the message that there will be food and beverages. I wonder if the food will
include any cake. One afternoon many years ago when I was out with my male worker, Amir, we
stopped in at the bank right on the corner of 16th
Avenue and Foster where they had a big cake set out that anybody could come in and help themself
to a piece, it looked like it was a kind of cake that I would like from what I could tell but I
didn’t feel like having a piece then after I had just had lunch. I don’t know if June 13th of
this year will be a day that my dad will want to take off work and make a long weekend for
himself but if he does take that day off and he stops in at the appreciation day, he could bring
me back a piece if he sees a kind of cake in there that I like.
A few cat stories for the last few days:
• Wednesday May 28,2008: When my mom was working outside in the backyard, Izzy
was having fun eating plants, chasing bugs, and playing with my mom’s tools.
• My mom had to bring Izzy inside earlier today when she was sitting on our raspberry post in
the backyard, she likes to sit there because it’s right underneath the birdhouse.
Now an excerpt from the portion of the May 25th message that you weren’t quite clear on:
> • Wednesday May 21,2008: My mom read in the Peace Arch local newspaper that the new
shopping centre
> they’re building in South Surrey at 160th Street and 24th Avenue will include these following
big-box stores;
> London Drugs, Best Buy, Thrifty Foods,
Winners, and a Steve Nash Sports Club.
When I said to my
> mom after she read the story that we already have a London Drugs and
a Winners here in South
> Surrey, she said that they might be closing out the current locations
and then move into bigger
> my mom also thought that they probably wouldn’t want
to have two London Drugs
> locations so close to each other, you know that the intersection of
160th and 24th is quite close to
> the Peninsula Village London Drugs. BTW, I wonder what would be going
in Peninsula Village
> where are current London Drugs is and in South Point where our
Winners currently is if they are
> planning to move those two stores instead of opening second locations...
My website seems to be down today for some reason, so I have not yet been able to upload the
scanned images that you and I cropped this last week but you can keep checking this URL until
you are able to download the three other images (including the one of the two dogs
wearing sunglasses and says “PUPPY LOVE” at the top) that we cropped before we started work on
this week’s:
Quite often I see a black spot where one of our cats usually lays and mistake it for one of
the cats at first before I pay closer attention and see what really is there, so now you know
that last Monday when I saw your black coat on the rocking chair wasn’t the first time I made
that same mistake. And finally, my list of your surprises that we found over the last week:
• Monday May 26,2008: An hour after you left, my mom opened the freezer
door (on top of our fridge) and a spring came falling down. Later on that same day, we
discovered a mouse behind the cushion in our rocking chair.
Wednesday May 28,2008: My dad found a ball under the aquarium towel on top of the TV
• And my mom found the green mouse on top of the curtain yesterday before you left,
she didn’t remember to tell me until today. Also today, my dad found another ball this morning
when he took the tray down from on top of the fridge so that he could feed the betas in the jars
that are on that tray.
I hope to hear from you before Sunday.
P.S. Links for today:
Movie: National Treasure: The Book of Secrets (2007)
My ISP’s website: *
Surrey High School: Earl Marriott Secondary School > Teachers & Support Staff *
* denotes a link that was in the last message I sent you on Tuesday May 27,2008.
• a green star (*) denotes a link that I had originally included in the message that I sent you on Sunday Apr.27,2008.