From: Neil McRae
Sent: July 6, 2009 3:21 PM
Subject: A suggestion
Did you receive that funny cat E-mail I forwarded to you last Tuesday? The one titled
“FW: Have a nice day.”
John beat me again yesterday at “SORRY.” Could you believe that all four 11s came up in a row
during one of our games yesterday? Now in “SORRY” there are four of each card and I think that
yesterday has to be the first time in all the years I’ve played the game when all the cards for
the same number all came up together.
And speaking about the games, remember when you were here on Tuesday June 16th that you found
the “Cheers” button in the living room instead of on the kitchen table? I told you that was
because I brought it in there two days before while John was in the bathroom and then I hid it
underneath one of the cushions on the couch hoping that John would sit on it when he comes back.
He sat there but it didn’t go off until just as my mom and dad were coming home about 25 minutes
later, I had set it underneath the center cushion while John was in the bathroom but when he
came out he sat on the cushion at the end of the couch. The “Cheers” button didn’t go off at all
on the time before when I tried to do this to him because that time I set it underneath the end
cushion but he sat on the center one when he came out of the bathroom. And do you realize that I
started doing this to him because he did the same thing to me one time while I was in the
bathroom and it went off the first time I sat on the couch?
Now when you saw me last Tuesday, you asked me to E-mail you after I come up with some ideas
about what you and I could do tomorrow. Do you know the trails at Deas Island Park? My mom
suggested that maybe we could go there because she knows that I haven’t been there for a
long time. Take Highway 99 from my place and get off
at the last exit before the tunnel. And then once we’re at the park, we could start by following
the Tinmaker’s Walk to the southwest.
See you tomorrow at 1PM.