you wrote:
> ...Would it be ok to send a copy of this email to Jolie (the behavior therapist) ?
Yes, of course it’s okay. Have you not been forwarding my E-mails for a while to Dr.
McKibbin, Raynor, etc? You hadn’t said anything to me that you stopped doing so.
> ...Is not doing things because Carol was going to do them a way for you to believe she's
coming back sometime...
As much as I desperately need her to come back and how much my life depends on that, did I
say that I believe that it will actually happen? I still wouldn’t do the things with anybody
else besides Carol even if I know that she’s not coming back, even if I do believe that she’ll
come back, or even if I don’t know at all whether or not she’s going to come back.
> i don't mention anything about Jenny because I don't know her. I don't have any opinions
because its your family.
> ...because its your family.
It’s actually not my’s
my mom and dad’s family nor did I ask you to
have any opinions. I thought that I’d just share this with you at the time when it actually
happened just last week when Jenny phoned my mom and told her that she’s been having fights with
Judy seeing how you let me share with you previously when she had to move out to a shed in the
backyard because two more kids wanted to come live with Judy and Judy didn’t have any other
space to put them. I guess you have no comments this time around though. And keep in mind too
that Jenny is the one who knows Kris, she lives in Langley not far from where Kris’s
grandparents live and you have read a few times already about how Jenny was who we found out
from about Kris getting hurt. Now Carol let me share everything with her that was going on in my
mom and dad’s family, and I remember too that
she had some opinions about a few of their
family members. She also shared with me
everything that went on with her family and she shared with me every Sunday when she came here
about everything that happened in her school on the previous week. I miss that and now I’m two
years behind in keeping up to date about what’s been going on at her school.
> Lets do the walk that goes behing my house on sunday. so sandals it is.,,Cheers ..John
So we’re not going to Trish's this time?
> I'll take the time to check links once you've seen the pictures on line
Okay, I went to
with my mom and we looked at the pics and video of me with Bubbles as well as the surprise
“SORRY” pics. Now, I remember you told me that there’s also suppose to be pictures from Dianne’s
birthday but I didn’t see any there.
And our new neighbours are moving in today next door at Marvin and Marjoree’s house. They
just immigrated here from Korea and they have two small kids, a little boy and a little girl. My
dad already went over there and met them but he said that it will take him a while to remember
their names because all four of them are different than names that we are use to. Also, he told
them that we have two cats so if they ever see the cats come into their yard my dad told them to
just shoo them out.
And then now I’ll hope that Todd Antifaev won’t be the realtor who lists the house that’s
next door to me on the other side when it goes up for sale because he’s the one that knows
Carol. If they put the sign up and I see his name is the one that’s on it, it’ll mean that he’ll
be there lots before the house sells. I could just easily walk over there anytime I see him next
door and ask him to get in touch with Carol about getting back together with me. Or maybe I’ll
go over there before the house goes up for sale and tell Muriel not to pick Todd Antifaev, I
just might tell her about the open house he was going to have but he didn’t show up at. Now
think about this idea being a change for me, I’d walk over there all by myself and tell Muriel
that I don’t recommend this realtor. And you do realize that I'd be okay with the realtor
selling Muriel’s house as long as Carol started seeing me again at least on Sundays?
Also, my grandpa will be coming in again tomorrow morning. Normally he doesn’t come here on
two weekends in a row, but my dad says that the wine he siphoned last weekend has to be racked
off and then they stir in the finnings. Now my grandpa showed up as early as eight o'clock when
he came in last weekend, but this time my dad told him not to come until 8:30 or Nine. I’ll
want to get up at 10AM which is earlier than the time that I usually get up because I’ll want
time to put on my sunscreen and we’ll also need extra time to drive to your place so that we’d
be there at One.
See you tomorrow at 1PM.