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Date Sent:

Tuesday July 29,2008



My mom found the red spring inside the fridge door handle yesterday not long after you left, she also found the glow in the dark ping pong ball on top of the scissor rack earlier this afternoon, and you can get pictures of the other surprises we found so far at
And in addition to all of those, my dad found a red spring in his slipper last night but he wasn’t sure whether you or one of the cats put it there.

That little gray area on this following map indicates the house on 140A Street where we saw the black and white dog laying down on the front lawn just yesterday afternoon when we went for our walk. And the guy who lived in that house before the people who are there now didn’t like dogs peeing on his front lawn and he was just a grouch in general.

When we were coming back from that same walk yesterday afternoon, remember we walked by the house which I told you in one of the previous E-mails that my dad said if he owned that house he would build a fence around the grass area beside the house seeing how this little rancher already doesn’t have much of a backyard right now without that fence around the side. Here’s the image again, the yellow line surrounds the area that my dad said he would build a fence around and the area within the green line is what I would designate as the front yard:


The light green area on this next map indicates where you saw blackberries when we went for our walk last Thursday (on the 24th), blackberries also grow behind Bay Ridge Elementary school. Carol and I picked blackberries a few times behind Bay Ridge. And the gray area is the house that has the red bushy tree/shrub thing that you saw in its front yard, and I told you that’s the house where Carol’s friend, Holly, use to live. She lived there with her husband until they split up just a few years ago and then she moved into a townhouse up in Sullivan Heights. It wasn’t more than a year after Holly moved into the townhouse when she moved back to South Surrey and bought an apartment. She and her husband still own both the townhouse and the house on 18th Avenue. They also have a property on Mudge Island and Holly’s husband doesn’t want to sell any of the properties.

And now here are some maps of Sunnyside Acres, that’s the name of the park where the gravel trail is that you and I drove to last Monday (on the 21st of this month). The tiny little green area on the second (bottom) map is the start of the Douglas-fir trail which I thought was a new trail that they put in since the last time I was in that park because the first few feet of the trail were gravel, but it wasn’t until after I said “let’s take that trail” when we found out that only the first few feet are gravel and the rest of it’s mostly just a narrow side trail. Within one of our next few visits, maybe we could drive back to that park and then this time explore that trail.

Number key:
1 - 24th Avenue lot
2 - Chickadee Loop trail
3 - Douglas-fir trail

What do you know, exactly 271x271 pixels on both of the last two above maps. Now the blue area on the above map is where you saw a pipe underneath the trail and could see water next to the pipe. I think that is more of a bog there because I remember from going to this park in the past that I did not see water in that spot every time, and I’ll assure you that there aren’t any fish there. But don’t you think that maybe they should put a creek in there though, and then have it flow down into a pond with a few fish in it? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could hear water running for part of the walk around the Chickadee Loop? Just like they put a lake and bridges in Green Timbers park almost ten years ago, before then that park was nothing else other than trails and urban forest. And I know that both the lake in Green Timbers and the Surrey Lake on 152nd Street near Chimney Hill were stocked with fish.

I remember one of the two times when you were here last week, you were trying to figure out how Izzy could jump from the trellis to the roof of the workshop and then onto the fence. Also included in the ZIP file that I gave its address to above is a plan I did a few years ago of what I want our backyard to look like, on which I just added some purple arrows.

And remember I said to you that I would like to fix up our front yard to make it look a bit more like some of those ones we saw on our walks that are nicely landscaped and then you said about how most people would like their front yards to look that good. Remember in one of those front yards we saw that the people had rocks nicely put around the bottom of their tree instead of using the gray stone blocks. I myself prefer the gray stone blocks to either brown wooden ties or the rocks, I’d rather see the gray stone blocks around the base of the tree in our front yard more than anything else.

Have you ever saw a laptop like this before on which the screen can swivel around, I saw the picture yesterday on the website:

I didn’t know that the short video you took down by the Semiahmoo First Nation Reserve was taken on Dianne’s cell phone. Now I know that both you and Di have camera phones, my dad’s the only one who doesn’t have a camera on his phone.

Yesterday in the morning before you came, Izzy had her first throw up ever in the almost two years that we had her. And then Chloe had an even bigger throw up this morning.

My cousin, Shelley, E-mailed us four more pictures of Marshall two nights ago (on Sunday evening). I will include them on the CD of images that I said I was putting together for you.

I remember that you had a hard time trying to find a good pen yesterday when you were here. And I’ve been trying to convince my mom for a long time that I think we need to stock up by more pens, pencils, etc but she said we have lots. I’ve even said I’d buy the pencils and whatever else with my own money seeing how I got a lot of it.

My mom was watching Canadian Idol last night on channel 9 (CTV), and during one of the commercial breaks a commercial came one for Oreo Thinsations. That was the first time I saw a commercial for any kind of Thinsations...”Thinsations are one super treat.”

You said one of the last few times when you saw me that once my friend, Kris, has lived in his new place for a year we should bring him donuts again for the first anniversary. I think we’ll be bringing him treats before then, like I said if you and I go see him just before Christmas. Remember I told you that one year when Carol and I went and saw him at Christmas we brought him donuts from Tim Hortons, and then the next Christmas Carol and I brought him some of my mom’s homemade cupcakes

I also remember when you and I went for our walk to the Macs store last Thursday (on the 24th), you noticed a low car drive by us. Our 1986 Honda Accord that we use to have was pretty low, at least I remember it being lower than our current 2001 Honda seeing how we got a Comment from one of the ladies who use to be in my dad’s carpool back then about the fact that she felt like she was sitting on the ground when she rode in that car.

And I forgot to rate your video of Prince three days ago when I left my comment, so I just went back now and gave it my 5 star rating.

I hope you get time to write to me before Thursday.


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