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hi Neil

Date Sent:

Saturday June 7,2008


Hi Neil ,

Thanks for the emails .They are great as usual .I'm trying to figure out the "lost day" as we did hang out for 2 days last week . Unless theres something i'm missing i thought i'd hang out with you tomorrow which would give me monday off .Maybe i'll share some of my thoughts on hours i'm payed to work with you .Some of my time is spent processing parts of your emails for Rayner , Serena and Catherine (another social worker) . I can't forward your emails to the ministry as their system scans it and unless its through their channels it doesn't get through so i deliver them myself now and then . i've also attended a few meetings with the ministry and care providers discussing how living indepenently might affect you . There are a lot of things to consider as you have very specific needs that you've outlined . I want to say i don't make any decisions on your behalf but I know what situations won't work for you so i'm asked my opinion. I have one such meeting coming up that will take at least 2 hours including my driving time.These hours are used as hours worked with you.Also some months such as May have extra days in them and i'm asked to pro rate my time . I didn't with you because in the past I've felt i was a behind on time. Ive also spent time on the phone with the team discussing what I think works for you .

    Anyways i'll see you tomorrow at one and we can talk about payed time some more if you like . Looking forward to tomorrow...cheers,,,John

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