you wrote:
> Hi Neil...
Size 24 font in "Arial" while the rest of your message is the same font size in "Times New
> ...I want to write a long fancy email but i don't have any time...
> short short short
I’m surprised you used that subject on your message
and then said that you’d want to write a long fancy E-mail if you had the time.
> ...It will be interesting to see how long the meeting goes .
Now we know it was only 40 minutes, that wasn’t even half as long as the first time.
...i'm a little jealous or you sleeping
in,,,wah,, lol...
What does “WAH” stand for?
The biggest highlight for this message...We get a call from my dad yesterday afternoon at
around 2PM saying that he would be home in a half hour. He no sooner landed in Kamloops he then
had to fly back home again. He didn’t find out until after he got there that the guys don’t need
him until tomorrow or Tuesday, and then he had a call last night while I was upstairs having my
shower letting him know that now they won’t need him til Wednesday. My dad already booked a new
flight for and changed his hotel reservations to tomorrow, now he had to change all those things
again first thing after he got up this morning. He did get to have breakfast at Denny's while he
was in Kamloops yesterday. My dad said “yah” once I asked him if they could’ve phoned him before
he flew up. The company pays for all four of my dad’s flights plus now he’ll get paid for even
more overtime. He stopped at Spagnols on Annacis Island on his way home from the airport
yesterday afternoon to pick up some wine labels. He didn’t find out until he got there that they
had things on half price yesterday, so he also picked up a couple wine kits. When he first
phoned us from the airport around 2PM, my mom told him that he could stop at the Starlight
Casino if he wanted to on his way home because she knew that he didn’t have a good morning but
my dad didn’t want to bother stopping there. When he got home an hour after he phoned, I came
and closed the garage door for him which I use to do everyday after he came home from work but
not since before Christmas.
It seems my dad’s trip keeps getting put off another day or two away from when it had
originally been planned for. If it keeps getting put off, I hope it won’t affect my plans to go
with him next Friday afternoon to trade my platies in at Fish World on Scott Road. I hope that
the guys in Kamloops won’t want to work on Easter weekend so therefore my dad could be home for
the holidays. I guess we should trade my platies in pretty soon because my dad said that he
notices the bettas in the tank below them are getting bigger. Once the platies are gone, we
could move the bettas up to the tank above where they are now. And one of my angelfish in my 32
gallon died this morning, my dad flushed it and now I just have two. My dad noticed that same
angelfish that died hadn’t been eating anything for the last few days and thought that maybe the
other two angelfish were bullying him, so he was going to move it over to the smaller ten gallon
fish tank where my adult platies are but he found it dead this morning when he went to do so.
Also this morning, my dad finally got around to moving one more male platy and four more females
over to the ten gallon where the adults are from the one where the babies are.
My dad went to South Point two days ago (on Friday) after he dropped my mom off to
pick up a few things at Save-On for my mom and me while he would have been away. He also went
next door to Staples to see if he could find a heavier type of computer mat that might last
longer than the ones we bought at Costco, he found one that said it was made for plush carpet.
He said that when he looked in Staples he learned that some are made for carpet while others are
made just for hardwood, so maybe the one’s we’ve been buying at Costco were made just for
hardwood. I’m not sure about the different feel of the new mat, of the bump circles in the mat
that are underneath my feet when I sit at the computer. I don’t know if I prefer the more of a
smooth feel like the mat we just replaced that had the big crack in it or if maybe I’ll get use
to this new one. The thought about wearing slippers does come to my mind, but again I think I
might possibly get used to having my sock feet on this mat. My dad bought the mat two nights ago
knowing that he’d be gone for the weekend, but now that he’s home for the weekend after
all...Now I know that we would’ve had more time to look around and see if we could’ve found
something else I like somewhere else. Mom told me after she read
the last message I
sent you three days ago that Costco might not be open on Good Friday, but if Fish World’s open
that day I hope to go there with my dad in the afternoon and then there’s this little coffee
shop a few doors down from them where I’ve gotten Smartie cookies before and I could get a
couple of those from there to have for my snack on Friday afternoon.
I managed to have a good sleep the last two nights and so did my mom after she hadn’t slept
all week. I woke up to the sound of my next door neighbours, Marvin and Marjoree, pressure
washing at 9AM this morning though I did manage to go back to sleep for another hour after
waking up at 9AM. You saw the landscaping truck parked on the street in front of their house
when you were with me two days ago, my dad says that they’re talking about relandscaping their
front yard including making the front deck bigger. They also have landscaping guys look after
their yard for them including things like cutting their lawn because they don’t have time to do
it themselves. My dad got out his pressure washer this afternoon and right now he’s getting done
all the concrete that’s in our backyard so that we won’t have two days of noise. At around 8AM
again two days ago an hour after I got up early for the meeting, I heard the car running out
front again. My mom took a look out the window to find out that the culprit is the black car
next door. That’s Marvin and Marjoree’s son, Logan’s, car. You know that I only got two or three
hours of sleep the night before the meeting and that’s the first time in about two weeks I had a
lousy sleep. That’s also about the same amount of sleep my mom got the night before the meeting
and remember that’s the fourth night in a row that she didn’t have a good sleep. With Scott
staying with you now BTW, my mom says that it must be a good thing that Scott’s not like me who
has to get up and urinate lots during the night because I remember how you said the toilet there
makes a big noise every time you flush it. You heard my dad say at the meeting that he thought
maybe the reason why I didn’t sleep good the night before might’ve been because maybe I was
agitated before the meeting, but I thought that I had nothing to be nervous about and you know
that everything has been going well.
You also heard my dad say at the meeting that he thought Dr. McKibbin and the nurse probably
didn’t know about Kris moving, and I thought that you were forwarding my E-mails to the FVMH
team and to Raynor. And if you and I go see his new place one day, I suggested to my mom that
maybe we could bring him some Krispy Kremes for our snack that afternoon. My mom and I could go
out and get the donuts earlier in the day before I go with you over to Kris’s. Almost two weeks
ago on Wednesday March the 5th speaking about Krispy Kremes, my dad had a meeting at work that
morning. As much as 300 people attended and the auditorium was packed, there had to have been
more than ten boxes of donuts there from Krispy Kremes. And all those donuts probably came from
all the way over on Scott Road on this side of the river because that Krispy Kremes is currently
the only one in the whole province. I wouldn’t mind one closer to me in South Surrey because you
know those are my favorite donuts, though they don’t seem to be doing a good business in Canada.
It seems that the only one that’s in this province now isn’t doing a good business and I hope
this doesn’t result in them closing, and I remember hearing on the news a few years ago that
three Krispy Kreme locations in Ontario closed.
You know that Krispy Kremes isn’t the only place that we don’t have in South Surrey and that
I wouldn’t mind down here, we also don’t have a regular A&W or a Burger King. All we have right
now for an A&W is the one in the food court of Semiahmoo Mall and we don’t have any Burger King.
You know that you have to get the KETCHUP from the counter in the food court A&W and they give
you smaller packages which are only about half the size of the cups at the regular A&Ws where
you can go to the condiments counter as many times as you need to for more KETCHUP. I also told
you previously that all we have down here for a KFC right now is that one that has only
something like two tables and has windows almost all the way around it while the KFC in
Fleetwood is a lot nicer and has about the same amount of tables that the average McDonald's
location would have, and all we have right now for a Wendy's is the “combination Wendy's-Tim
Hortons” at South Point which can get bright when the sun’s out. Speaking about bright places,
if they do ever open a Burger King or a regular A&W down here one day I hope that they won’t be
bright ones. It seems like most of the new fast food they open lately have lots of windows
because most people like the bright light and they don’t think about people like me who are
sensitive to it, newer places might have just a few dark tables if any at all. I know for a fact
that A&W that opened in Whalley a few years ago at 102 Avenue and King George is extremely
bright and doesn’t have any dark areas, so I therefore prefer to eat at the A&W in the food
court of Central City Mall whenever I’m in Whalley and want to have A&W.
I remember you telling me about a guy you knew who liked cheese on everything just like my
cousin, David, liked to have hot sauce on everything, I’ll tell you that I don’t like cheese on
fries or gravy on anything. The only thing I like with fries is KETCHUP, but not squirted on top
of the fries, in a separate pile where I can dip the
fries. I also didn’t notice until after I finished eating at White Spot two days ago that there
was a lemon on my plate and whenever I remember when I’m at White Spot with my parents I
sometimes have them squirt the lemon overtop of the fish for me just to add a bit of flavour.
Remember I also noticed two fireplaces at the White Spot we were at up in Guildford, one in the
sitting area when we first entered and another on our way to the bathroom. The White Spot in
South Surrey now has a fireplace and so does the one up on Scott Road that you know I ate at with my dad a few weeks before Christmas. I think
that all four of those fireplaces are probably gas because they’d be safer than wood-burning
ones which throw out sparks. David drank coffee and he also liked ice cream BTW, but he never
had hot sauce on either of those things.
Also on that same day when you and me went to A&W for lunch after Raynor left (Friday
Feb.22,2008), just as you were leaving you remember my dad said something like he didn’t know
music very well but just enough to listen to it. You know that’s the same as me, I previously
said that I had a hard time understanding music when I had to take it in elementary school and
that I never learned my music notes. Just like my dad, I’m only interested in listening to music
and that’s playing musical instruments and no learning music notes. My dad also told you
then that he doesn’t like the newer hard rock and likes mostly country, but doesn’t mind some of
the older rock songs. I don’t like hard rock myself and would prefer oldies to hard rock. As for
country, I don’t like too much of it but I do like just a few of the older country singers
including Crystal Gayle, Eddie Rabbitt, Kenny Rogers, Ronnie Milsap, and Willie Nelson.
You thought that I’d be good at Math or that maybe I didn’t end up being good at it because I
might’ve had lousy teachers. I asked my mom since
you said that to me, she thought that I was okay with the simple stuff in
elementary school but when I got to High School it became too hard for me. I took alternate Math
in grades ten and eleven. You know that Math, Science, and French were my three worst subjects
in High School and I guess you could add P.E. to that list because you know that I can’t do the
ball sports and you read in a previous
message about the ordeal I had to go through to get out of taking
P.E. in grade nine.
I remember when you were here last Monday (on March the 10th), you almost kicked the
switch and restarted my computer. And you actually did that two weeks before (on Monday
Feb.25,2008) when you were sitting in that same
spot. I remember when I took my computer class in grade ten all the computers in my row got
restarted probably close to every couple days while I was in that room or at least once every
week, the teacher and all the kids in my row would say every time quote “Neil kicked the box.”
I’m not sure though if they were just blaming me every time that happened or if the
switch to control all the computers for that entire row was at the end I was sitting on right
where my foot could easily hit it at anytime if I wasn’t paying attention.
Also when you saw me on Monday the 25th, you asked me if I had ever ridden a bike before. I
hadn’t by myself, but you know I rode on the back of the tandem while my dad rode on the front
even though I haven’t been on the tandem since before that time almost four years ago when I got
sick in “Ocean Shores, Washington state” and lost my confidence in a lot of things. My dad also
has his own regular single person's bike and I told you he went out on it for the first time
this year on Sunday Feb.24,2008. He’s had that bike for a few years now and hardly used it since
he got it. One other thing we discussed with the nurse from FVMH when she came to our house almost two months ago was the fact that my dad’s now had his Subaru for a year and a half and I had never ridden in it before. Before he got his Subaru, he had a 1986 Honda Accord LX and you know my mom’s current car is the 2001 version of that. Even though when we had that vehicle I also preferred to ride in the 2001 Honda most times, I would still go in the 1986 Honda lots of times before I lost my confidence either when we wanted to go out in my dad’s boat or when we wanted to take the tandem somewhere farther away and ride it because the 1986 Honda had the trailer hitch for the boat and the roof racks for the bike. I never wanted to put a trailer hitch or racks on my mom’s car because it was the newer vehicle at that time and I think that it looks better without having any of those things installed on it. My dad’s Subaru is a 2006 that he leased and just before he got it I didn’t like the idea about him having a newer vehicle than my mom and would have rather he got a used vehicle. He had been planning to get
a used vehicle for a long time before then but ended up deciding to lease a new one at almost
the last minute. Whenever I went out with my dad since he got this Subaru he would always take
me in my mom’s Honda even if my mom wasn’t going with us.
There was one other time when my dad had to go to Kamloops almost a year ago, once he got off
the plane that time he then had to go and rent a vehicle. At first, the lady at the car rental
place was going to give him a PT Cruiser. You remember reading my dad’s opinion about the PT
Cruiser after the one time before this when he rented one, so she gave him instead a Toyota
Matrix. That was only my dad’s opinion about the PT Cruiser, I guess I should tell you my
opinion. I sat in the front passenger seat of the one he rented while it was parked in our
garage at home, the windshield was farther away from me and wasn’t as big as the windshield of
most of the vehicles I rode in in my life so far. I think I have to agree with Di or whoever it
was you told me who said that those smart cars just aren’t safe. I would never want to get in
accident while riding in an one of those things.
When my mom was watching her
Not To Wear” on TLC two nights ago (on Friday evening), I
caught a different commercial for the Microsoft-powered car and in this commercial I found out
that the car is called
a “Mercury
Milan.” Do you think this could be your next car? And then last
night when my mom was watching “Trading Spaces” on TLC, they had
two celebrity actors/impersonators trade homes for
two Elvis impersonator and a Cher impersonator. Can you perform Billy Joel, or anybody
You also asked me when Saint Patrick's Day is, it’s on the 17th of March every year. My dad
was watching “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader”
(the American
one) last Thursday evening (the 13th), they had this
true/false question “True or False: If you were born on Easter, your birthday is always on a
Who wouldn’t know that one? I know that the answer is “false.”
Also that same night when my dad was watching “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader,” they had
this Geography question “The Danube River is located on what continent?”
The lady couldn’t answer it and chose to walk away with $50 thousand. Would it surprise you if I
told you that she was a High school English teacher? If she had answered the question and had
answered it correctly, she could’ve got $100 thousand. I could’ve answered that correctly and
won the $100 thousand, I know that the answer is Europe. My dad got me two scratches the day
before (on Wednesday) but I didn’t do them until Thursday night. One of them was a GOLDRUSH
which I got two $1,000 on but needed one more to actually win that amount.
My mom looked up some Saint Patrick's Day jokes on-line for me yesterday and you can read
them at the bottom of this message, we couldn’t find
too many good ones other than the ones we did find
but I hope you’ll laugh at them. Also at the bottom of the message I attached a few dog pictures
including the one of “...St Patrick's day dog.” He’s dyed my favorite colour for St. Paddy's
I’m glad that you’re okay with me repeating myself in the E-mails that I send you, especially
if I repeat the jokes that you tell me because you said that as soon as you read them again you
start to laugh. I wish I could tell Carol your joke that Jason told you:
• What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?...Frostbite.
I also wish that Carol could hear my mom’s story about what happened just before they left the Starlight Casino two days ago. Again, I don’t want Carol to miss one detail of everything that’s been going on in my life since what happened last August. Now, you thought that the way I worded your joke about Psycho-Ceramics was okay, but was it one of these two wordings that you used when you said it out loud two days ago:
There's a new study in ceramics psychiatry
There's a new study in psychiatry’s the study of crackpots
When my mom was at the kitchen table having her lunch yesterday, Chloe jumped up on the
kitchen table to check out her lunch. That’s normally a thing Izzy does, Chloe doesn’t usually
do that. My mom says that she notices Chloe has been getting stranger the last few days and I
myself guess that maybe Izzy’s teaching Chloe all of her bad manners.
Yesterday morning, my mom was in her sewing room upstairs with Izzy. There was a small dot of
sunlight high up on the wall. Izzy saw that spot of light and she jumped up on it. My mom saw
her jump, it was amazing how high Izzy jumped. She jumped up there all the way from the floor
without going up on any furniture or jumping up on anything else first to get herself up
After we got up early two mornings ago and before we left for the meeting, my mom was
standing at her bedroom window with Chloe and Izzy. My mom saw a black cat that looked just like
Izzy come from over the fence and into our backyard. I have a few bobblehead dogs and cats
upstairs in my bedroom. I mentioned the name Izzy Asper to my mom after you left that same day
and then she mentioned the name “Izzy Gillespie” who she thought was the name of the trumpet
player. I then had to correct her on that because I knew the name was actually “Dizzy
Gillespie,” not Izzy. My mom named both our cats, she looked through lists of cat names on line
before we narrowed it down to just a few and then in the end we chose Izzy. Another thing my mom
found when she was on-line yesterday was
this YouTube
video of a cat sleeping that looks just like Izzy. And they’re
Canadian, it says in the description “About This Video” that they’re from Calgary. I know that
you don’t have as much time right now because you’re busy with Scott and also that you haven’t
yet read the Wikipedia pages that I sent you about those two PC games, here are a few more
YouTube videos you could look at when you have time:
• funny
speaking / talking cats - This was one of the videos that my
friend, Kris, was looking at online the time when he, you, and Mac were at my place for supper.
• One time a few months ago when my dad was on the laptop looking up ideas for songs to use
as background music in of the DVD we were putting together of my grandparents’ home movies, he
found this Cookie Monster video on YouTube...I think
it was YouTube, it might’ve been some other video sharing site though. I wanted to send you the
link but we didn’t bookmark it and couldn’t find it again after the one time when my dad saw it,
we did find this NPR
Cookie Monster Interview with Elizabeth Blair but I’m not 100%
sure that it’s the same video. I remember the video my dad saw showed Cookie Monster standing
next to somebody, I’m not sure if he was standing next to a person or another muppet. Anyway,
there was either a plate or a pan of cookies in front of them. And at the end of the video my
dad saw, Cookie Monster ate all the cookies. Cookie Monster so predictable, I remember when my
dad saw this video he already knew that Cookie
Monster was gunna eat the cookies before he actually even
ate them. I remember hearing the “Sesame Street” theme song (Sunny Day Sweeping the
clouds away...) on my laptop just before my dad found the video, I don’t know if that would have
been a separate video or if that was part of the same video before it got to Cookie Monster. I
think you’ll like the video we did find including my thought that you’ll probably get a kick out
of what he thinks about sardine ice cream, quote “maybe you could send that over to Oscar.” And
after you learn what Cookie’s favorite curse word is, Cookie will then tell you which muppet he
would like to see on a new dollar bill...Hint, I told you he’s my favorite muppet from the
“Sesame Street” cast:
Elizabeth: “What is your favorite curse word?”
Cookie: “Boy me can get into trouble on this one.”
Cookie: “Well uh me have favorite dirty word.”
Cookie: “Yah this filthy word.”
Cookie: “You ready?”
Cookie: “Ready for this one?”
So far, my favorite YouTube video of All Time is the one of Nora, the piano playing
cat. They showed an excerpt from the Nora video on the news sometime last year. I had hoped to
find a birthday card with a picture on the front of Nora playing the piano to give to Carol for
her birthday last year (May 2007), but I couldn’t find one and we instead got her a
birthday card with the picture on the front being of a different cat playing piano. My
dad found this website a
while back that allows you to download YouTube videos directly to your hard drive, but from
there the videos download in FLV format. If I was still seeing Carol and if I had either an FLV
player or some program that would allow me to convert FLV to other formats that I can play such
as AVI or MPEG, I would’ve liked to grab a screenshot from the Nora video and make my own
birthday card with the picture of Nora on the front and then give the card to Carol for her
birthday this year. If I decide to sign up for my
own account on YouTube one day, maybe I could “Post a text comment” underneath the Nora video
saying that “I think they should put out a Nora birthday card to be sold in the stores.” I’m
sure you could probably buy paper for the printer that feels just the same as a real birthday
card that you would buy in the stores. I also wouldn’t mind grabbing a screenshot of my favorite
frame from the video you sent me a link to a while back called “The Dog, the Cat and the Rat.” I
think my favorite screen in that movie would probably be either somewhere around either 0:32 or
just after where it shows the first close-up of the cat while the rat’s on his back.
I still have yet to send to my grandparents that other video you sent me about Patches, the
horse, I’m still gunna ask my dad to give me their address. And I wonder if there’s a video on
YouTube of Timon singing “Yummy, Yummy, Yummy...I Got Bugs In My Tummy.”
I had a couple more of the raisin cookies for my dessert today after lunch that I told you my
grandma sent home with my dad last week. A few months before she sent those home, she sent us
some of those same raisin cookies as well as some chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies that she
made. I plan to have some of the Easter jelly candies for my snack this evening tonight that I
told you I got when I was with my mom in Save-On last week, and milk to drink with those. I had
one of the last two “Oreo pudding cups" for my dessert after supper yesterday and now there’s
just one left. My mom hasn’t seen the “Yoplait Minigo cups” that I like in any of the grocery
stores for a while, just the smaller size but she hasn’t seen the bigger size that I like for a
while so I might have her buy me some more “Oreo pudding cups" instead. I might also have her go
to Purdys tomorrow afternoon while you’re here. I got a chocolate bunny from there last year,
but I don’t think I need one this year and instead I might have my mom get me what I got Carol
from Purdys last year at Easter. I got her this half of a chocolate eggshell that’s filled with
foil wrapped chocolate eggs, if I remember correctly you can get the eggshell in either milk or
dark chocolate. If you know me, you know I’ll have my mom get me the milk chocolate one. The
London Drugs flyer came a few minutes ago, my mom didn’t see any Smartie eggs in it but she did
see just regular Easter Smarties. I might have her get me some of those from London Drugs this
year if she can’t find the Smartie eggs after she tries a few other places first. And this week’
s Safeway flyer did come in the paper two days ago before you left, I saw a round double-layer
Easter cake in there but it took me three times to get my mom’s attention after she missed it
the first time she looked through the flyer and then thought that Safeway still didn’t have any
Easter cakes out. All it says in the flyer is that the cake comes in “assorted” flavours, I hope
that includes chocolate. My mom will probably pick up a chocolate one from Safeway either
tomorrow or Thursday afternoon and I also attached at the bottom of this message the picture of
the cake that I cut out of the flyer and scanned so you can see what the cake looks like. In
that same picture to the left of the cake are these bunny-shaped sugar cookies that come in pink
and yellow, I had some of those last year and these ones I had last year only came in pink.
The reason why we didn’t see my parents following us after we left the meeting two days ago
was because instead of going the same way we went they took Mary Hill Road from Elgin Avenue out
to the Mary Hill Bypass which they then took to
United Boulevard. Both of the fabric stores we looked up before are still there. My mom didn’t
find the right material at the first store they stopped at which was the nicer store of those
two, the second store was junky but my mom did finally find the right material there that I
wanted for my stocking and after we’ve been looking around a long time for it. We already
have the material we wanted to make the two cat’s stockings, my mom just hasn’t got started on
them yet. My dad didn’t go in either of the fabric stores and just sat in the car and listened
to the radio while my mom went inside. After you had said while you were with me that same they
that you hope they catch the person responsible in that hit-and-run that killed a guy while he
was on his way to the airport with someone, my dad
heard on the radio while my mom was in one of the fabric stores that they made two arrests
including the prime suspect. The second person is a male from Langley and my mom guesses that
maybe he was a second person who was in the truck with the prime suspect. I might not be the
first person you hear this from, I know that you don’t pay much attention to the news right now
either but if I had to guess I’d think you probably would’ve heard this by now since it broke
two days ago.
You thought the reason why they were talking about moving Surrey City Hall to Surrey Central
was to make that area look more like a downtown. My mom read that story in the paper and she
says that they’re doing this to make it a nicer area by encouraging more businesses to move to
that area. They’re trying to put things there that are better than junky stores.
My friend Mac’s birthday is coming up in almost two weeks on Wednesday the 26th, he’ll turn
26 on the 26th which you only get to do once in your life. I haven’t talked to him on the phone
or saw him in person since before Christmas, so I asked my mom if she thinks we should do
anything for his birthday now that I talked to Kris on the phone and plan to go with you to see
his new place. I thought that maybe we could either take him out for a meal or just get him a
card, either I could go with my mom to one of the card stores one day and pick out a card or we
could even try to make one. If we decide to take him out for a meal either we could take him to
Boston Pizza if just you and I take him or if my dad comes with the three of us we could go to
one of the Moxie's locations. I’d get natchos either
way. Or my next appointment with Dr. McKibbin is at 2PM and if we decide to do supper that day
instead of lunch maybe you and I could find the Moxie's in Coquitlam and try going there for
supper hoping that I’ll get better service at that one than what I got that one time we ate at
the one in Guildford. And speaking about the next appointment with Dr. McKibbin, you’ll have to
reschedule to Wednesday the 16th of April that week instead of coming on the Thursday. BTW, I
didn’t have any headaches or notice any other side effects so far after my medication being
I didn’t even know that there was a Tim Hortons in Guildford until we first discovered that
one on 152nd Street at 104th Avenue on our way to the meeting last month, and I didn’t know
until two days ago that one’s only an express Tim Hortons On the Run and that it’s part of a gas
station. There use to be a Timmy’s On the Run at the Esso by us at 140th Street and 16th Avenue,
but it’s gone now I guess probably because the Timmy’s there wasn’t doing enough business. And
remember I pointed out a Dairy Queen that we drove by two days ago on Shaughnessy in Port
Coquitlam which I didn’t see the last time when we were over there in February. I later told my
mom about it after you left and she told me that we stopped at that Dairy Queen one time many
years ago to pick up a dessert on our way over to my aunt and uncle’s (Ted and Marlene)
who live over there. You know about the A&W that’s over there and we also saw a SUBWAY on
Shaughnessy when we were there last month.
I’ll detail my thoughts after the meeting two days ago in another message including what I
have to say about Dr. McKibbin’s question that I didn’t answer “why I would feel punished to
have to become independent.” This message is now seven pages long (not including the PSs)
and the last message that I sent you three days ago was ten pages long. You told me that I don’t
have to rush when E-mailing you, so I therefore don’t see any hurry to get the rest of my
thoughts to you. I need time to think. And my parents got home too late to call Serena on Friday
so my mom wrote down the number when she played the message and then she’ll call her sometime
this week.
I’m also glad that you don’t mind my E-mails
being long and that you consider them as good stories even though I haven’t written any stories
for a few years. I use to be a good storywriter back then but don’t seem to be as good lately at
coming up with fictional ideas for stories, I guess now I’m just a good storyteller.
My mom saw the weather on today’s Noon News and told me that the forecast for tomorrow is
unsettled. If it’s a nicer day, I hope to maybe walk with you over to the corner store and get a
couple chocolate bars to bring home for my snack. Or if it rains, we’ll have my snack at my
place and I’ll have a pack of graham wafer Thinsations with my cranberry juice. I told you
before in a previous message that the Thinsations “Thin Crisps” come in either Oreo, Chips Ahoy,
or plain graham wafer. Remember when you were here on Friday I only had enough HAPPY PLANET
strawberry drink to fill half a glass, I guess now we know that those bottles are just enough
for two and a half drinks. Last time I walked over to the corner store with you a few months
ago, I got a box of Smarties and a box of Junior Mints. If the weather ends up being nice and we
walk there tomorrow, I plan to get a KitKat bar and a mint AERO bar. I would then have the
KitKat bar for my snack tomorrow and save the mint AERO bar for another day. And I might have to
start getting out for walks again with my mom on some of the nicer afternoons, I haven’t got out
for any with her since before Christmas. My mom saw that last scanned image we were working on
and said that we don’t need to keep the shadow, so we could get rid of it tomorrow. She also
took down her cat birthday card that I gave her now that it’s two weeks past her birthday, so we
can now scan the picture on that sometime too. You said that you downloaded the two ZIP files I
gave links to in the last message I sent you but you didn’t look at the images that were
attached to that message yet, I don’t know which other images you were talking about. There are
no other images attached to that message besides the images right in with the text which you saw
from Aladdin and “The Lion King.”
And my mom knocked the ping pong balls off the cat springs when she was on the computer
two days ago (on Friday after you left) even though the two springs are still standing
beside each other exactly the way you left them.
See you tomorrow at 1PM.
P.S. Here are the images I scanned from the Safeway flyer:

PS2. Now the Saint Patrick's Day jokes:
• How did the Irish Jig get started?...Too much to drink and not enough restrooms!
• What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a 4-leaf clover?...A rash of good luck.
• What kind of music does a leprechaun band play?...Shamrock ‘n roll.
• "Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover?...You don't want to press your luck."
PS3. And the dog pictures:
The green rinse is all the rage for dogs on St Patrick's day. By the way, did you spot
the leprechaun with his St Patrick's day hat?
