

My ISP address


A long light-hearted message - from Neil

Date Sent:

Saturday Mar.1,2008

Other information:


Azure blue text indicates any changes that were made after this message was sent (spelling, grammar, phrasing of sentences, etc).



I had a really good sleep last night, I even slept a little bit before midnight. I haven’t had a messy toot so far today, but I did wake up with a burpy stomach. This would have been a good afternoon to go for a walk. I was surprised to see the sun when I got up this morning, remember I told you that today was suppose to rain and tomorrow was suppose to be the better day this weekend. My mom saw the weather on today’s Noon News and they’re now predicting rain for Monday. I guess now Monday will be the first time I see the news in a little more than two months. If we watch the 5 o’clock news Monday, we could leave at a quarter to six to get our Chinese food. I don’t know what your hours are like, but either we could do either 4PM to 7:30 Monday or 4 to 8 or if your hours are okay we could do 1PM to 7:30 or 8. This way if my mom wants to go do something by herself for a few hours she could go do so before she meets my dad at the Starlight Casino in Queensborough. If you respond to this message I’ll respond tomorrow and let you know whether to come at 1 or 4PM on Monday and we can talk more in a bit about my mom’s birthday, first a few heavy things.

You asked me why I feel that living on my own is a punishment:

> I remember Raynor said last Friday that moving our on your own for the first time and becoming<
> more independent are things that most people look forward to, again I feel punished to have to
> become independent only because I don’t feel comfortable where I am now...

I feel punished to have to live on my own because I don’t know what living on my own will be like and I’m use to having mom around to help me out. When I said in the last message that “I do regret saying that I no longer wish to have any contact with my parents after moving out,” I was probably just writing down what thoughts were going through my head and what I was thinking at the time. The reason why now I regret saying that is because I know that if I don’t wish to have visits then my parents won’t be around to help me.

Another reason why I might feel punished is because you know that I got everything good where I’m living now, again that’s only whenever there isn’t an altercation taking place. My mom said to me one time recently that Mac and Kris would probably do anything to have dad like mine while there are a lot of other dads out there who would rather spend their time doing stuff that they want to do. I even told you when I last saw you two days ago that my dad made a little bug cage for me when I use to collect bugs when I was little. However, my dad just finished vacuuming while I’m here in the computer room and as soon as I heard him turn off the vacuum I opened the door and asked him if he was done. He said “yep” and then a few minutes after that he said quote “I’m all done” so I then asked him why he said it twice. He said quote “because that’s just the way I talk.” He then said after that the first time he just said “yep” was just to answer my question that I asked him “are you done” and then the second time he said “I’m all done” because he was all done with the vacuum for today. This sounded like a clear enough answer to me, but after I got the answer I had wanted he wouldn’t stop and just kept going on about saying things like “this is the way he talks” etc. I don’t know anybody else who talks in that same way or who goes on about the way that they talk, all the more reason now for me to feel like I want to continue punishing him as I feel that the reason why he was doing what he did just now might have been because he was trying to trigger an altercation. I also wouldn’t want to live by myself by the way because you know now about my bad stomach that I have.

You said when I saw you two days ago that you’d be obligated to go with me to take my fish to the fish store because this is something I had been doing with my dad for a long time. I know you said that it’s up to me and you’d still take me if I decide to, also think about the fact that I’ll eventually need someone else after my dad’s gone who could go with me to take my baby fish to the fish store once they get big:

> ...My dad talked at one time a few years ago about having someone volunteer to help me look after my fish
> if I still have fish once I’m eventually living somewhere else after they’re gone. Pretty much all I can do is
> feed them and I have a hard time seeing when it comes to maintaining the tanks and doing all the other stuff...

I asked my mom if she remembers me having any altercations in the car with my dad and she says “not for a long long long long time.” Maybe one day within the next few weeks I could go with him either out for lunch to either McDonald's or SUBWAY or out for a snack as well as take my fish into the fish store for a store credit. This is my opinion, after I told my mom after you left two days ago that I’d tell you my opinion the next time when I E-mail you she then said “or he could take them in by himself.” I don’t know if I should regret having this opinion now after what I talked about above after my dad finished vacuuming. And keep in mind too that there were lots of times in the past when I would tell my parents in advance not to make me angry and most times they still made me angry. Remember in the long message I sent you back on Tuesday Dec.11,2007 I told you all about going out with my dad the day before and doing my mom’s Christmas shopping, I told him a few days in advance before that date not to make me angry when I was out in public with him. He then said in response as soon as I had said that to him quote “you don’t want to make dad mad,” therefore it worked out that time and we had a good day in the end but it still happens most times though. Most of the other instances they made me angry in the end after I told them in advance not to do anything that they know would make me angry, for example I kept reminding them many times before Christmas not to make me angry at Christmas time (or especially on Christmas Day) and then you know that altercation did take place a few days after. I had previously said in the message I sent you on Wednesday Feb.13,2008 that my last five or so Christmases including this last one weren’t that great.

Now speaking about the fish, that day when you saw that the one catfish wasn’t doing well (Thursday Jan.31,2008) was the first time I looked in any of our fish tanks since before the altercation. You remember he moved that corey catfish into my 32 gallon fish tank not long after you looked that same day and saw that he wasn’t doing well in the same tank with my baby platies who at that time were getting big enough to attack him. There were two other catfish in that same tank (the 32 gallon) at the time my dad moved him over there, one albino corey and one salt and pepper corey. The albino one died last Sunday morning (the 23rd), The albino one died last Sunday morning (the 23rd), my dad flushed him down the toilet so now I just have the two left in that tank. January 31st was only the first time when I saw the platies since before that altercation, the first time I seen the bettas (the ones in the tank below the one the platies are in) was when you were here on Tuesday Feb.12,2008 . Both the platies and the bettas were a lot bigger than the last time I saw them more than a month before. Again, Carol told me that she had never saw baby bettas before and would have looked forward to see them after they are first born (when they are really tiny) if I would have had luck breeding bettas sometime when she was still working with me.

My mom went to Willowbrook Mall when I was with you two afternoons ago. She needed to look for some new pants and socks, she got some socks and she tried on some pairs of pants but none of the pants she tried on looked good on her. She also tried on some tops, one looked good on her and she liked it but they didn’t have any in her size.

We got in the mail last Wednesday (Feb.27,2008) a KFC flyer and a letter that said we got $3,000 back from the cost of David’s funeral because we paid for that funeral out of our own pocket to start with and now the cost for the funeral will come out of his estate. My mom says that we paid at fist because we didn’t know until we talked to the people who are in charge of handling his estate that it would be handled through his estate. As soon as we get that money, my dad buys scratches for all three of us later that same day (Wednesday). My mom won $5 on her’s and I didn’t win anything on the “Set for Life” dad got for me, I got five $50,000 though but only on all three games combined and I didn’t get three on one game.

My dad went out and got two birthday cards for my mom during his lunch break last Wednesday (the 27th), one cat one and one with a picture on the front of two wine bottles each holding a wineglass. After he got home from work last Wednesday he asked me if I wanted to give her one of the cards and if I said “no” he said he’d put the other one away for himself to give her next year for her birthday. I said “yes” and that I would give her the cat one. He then said that either him and me could make out the cards later that evening or I could make out mine when you’re here the next day (Thursday the 28th), I obviously chose to make out mine with him that same evening. Dad also went to Shoppers Drug Mart in Burnaby on Kingsway during his lunch break that same day and got some scratches to put in each of the birthday cards including one “Holiday Fun” scratch (the one that has the maze) that they still had leftover from Christmas. He also bought to put in “the card that was from him” a ticket for the $1 million per year for life lottery. The draw was yesterday, my mom didn’t get her ticket until today, and we didn’t win anyway. So now you learned that I spent some more time with my dad, last Wednesday evening when we were downstairs making out the cards. Mom was upstairs having a shower at that time. He also said when we were making out the cards that evening that maybe her day at the casino on Monday could be her birthday present. I hadn’t mentioned this idea to either of my parents yet, but maybe I could pay for half the cost of her day at the casino on my next rent cheque. The cat card I gave her has a tab that you can slide in to make the card stand up, I might take a picture of that card standing up either on a ledge or a table this evening when it’s dark.

When we pick up our Chinese food on Monday, you can give them our order just like you did the one time I went there with you before and got Chinese because you know how busy that Chinese area gets. You know that I’ll get my rice and “chow mein” while you said you’d get a few extra dishes for yourself. I don’t remember the one time when I got Chinese food there with you before whether my mom gave me extra money to pay for your dishes or if you paid for your’s yourself. My mom will make up one of the two Angel food cake mixes that I told you she has for us to have for dessert that night and she will get some fresh strawberries that we could have with some whipping cream when we have our cake. I miss my Safeway Chinese suppers with Carol and going out with her to White Spot for fish and chips. I told you many times that if I could live with her before May 1st, I would like to treat her to the China Kitchen for her birthday dinner.

Now you know that I like strawberries and whipping cream with Angel food cake. You could cut a piece of cake for each of us when we’re ready to eat it and then we could put each of our pieces into a bowl and then put the strawberries in the bowl with the cake. Once the strawberries are in the bowl, you could just spray whipping cream everywhere on the top. And BTW fresh strawberries are my preference and I don’t prefer frozen ones. I had some fresh strawberries for my dessert after supper last Sunday (the 24th) that my mom got at the produce store earlier that same day, I had mine with brown sugar that night and not with whipping cream. I also remember you asked me a while back if I like having raspberries by themselves and not just anything that’s raspberry flavoured like raspberry cream flavour chocolates for example. I also like to have raspberries with either whipping cream or brown sugar sometimes for dessert after supper, and sometimes I’ll even have both raspberries and blueberries together either with whipping cream or brown sugar.

We won’t be having a birthday cake for my mom today, none of us will be having any cake until we make the Angel food cake on Monday and after you and I have a piece. Speaking about desserts, I guess any occasion could be used for an excuse to have a cake. I remember that you guys got a Dairy Queen ice cream cake to celebrate Jason moving into your house and you know that I hoped to get my Safeway double-layer chocolate Valentines Day cake. Remember the time I went with you to DQ and I had my onion rings, I noticed an ad on my placemat for DQ Oreo and Reese cakes. I had things made by both of those brands. My mom thought that those might have been blizzard cakes that I saw in that ad. We got a regular ice cream cake from DQ last year at Father’s Day, I never had a blizzard cake before but hope to try one someday.

For my snack last night I had some of my "General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios Snack mix" with water to drink and for my snack the night before I had some Carr’s crackers with almond butter plus milk to drink. You remember the last time I had this stuff we definitely learned how messy almond butter can be, so my mom set my little TV table (the same place where I’ve been having my meals since the altercation) in front of the couch and then she put my crackers on a plate and gave me some extra napkins (serviettes). This worked well for me. I can tell you that we’re now starting to get down on the Christmas stuff leftover, I had the last three of the little Bahlsen brand gingerbread men for my dessert after lunch today. There were actually four left, but one is broken and because you know I don’t like to have things that are broken I’ll probably give the broken one to one of my parents. Now that I won’t be having Chinese food today, my mom will make me one of her homemade salads for supper tonight with cheese and lunchmeat and then I will have one of the “Oreo pudding cups” for dessert after that.

When you saw me last Thursday, you thought that day would have been the second time I had Terry’s Chocolate Orange. That was the third time, there are now five pieces left and one of them is broken. If one of my parents has the broken piece I could maybe have some other little chocolate with the other four whole pieces when I have them for a snack. Now here is where I previously told you before you came that day:

> ...After we get back, this will be the third time I have five pieces of Terry’s Chocolate Orange and then there should > be enough left for one more snack after tomorrow. I’m still on the OASIS brand cranberry juice.

And the excerpt from the food chart I sent you last Tuesday (the 26th) :

> Sunday Feb.24,2008 Afternoon snack: Tried having some of the OASIS brand cranberry
juice that I told you my mom got to drink with this

And the excerpt you missed with my mom’s Volvo story:

> And speaking about red cars, my mom told me a story one that she saw when she was out with my dad
> yesterday afternoon after Serena left. After they left Peninsula Village and were on their way to Shoppers, they
> were South on 152nd Street near the “Tim Hortons/Semiahmoo Mall” area where there was a red Volvo in the
> lane beside them and a little ways ahead of them. There was a couple times when this red Volvo veered into the
> other lane like the people in it were distracted. After this and while the Volvo was in the curb lane, a motorcycle
> drove up and was driving where it wasn’t suppose to between the curb and the Volvo. This made my mom very
> nervous because it looked to her like the man on the motorcycle was gunna get crushed by the Volvo and she
> didn’t think that he was gunna get out of there...

I’m not the only person you’re getting to know pretty good as I continue to E-mail you...You’re also learning lots of things about my parents and about their lives, and lots of things about Carol too, especially a lot of things about my mom who you read in the above excerpt about how nervous she was riding in the front passenger seat of her car when she was right next to that Volvo at that same split second where she almost thought that the motorcyclist was gunna get crushed and also about the fact when I forwarded my dad’s funny E-mail to you that she’s afraid of heights. You’re also getting to know the names of all my relatives and all our doctors, I started to include their names in the messages I send you because you were reading their names on our list of phone numbers one of the last couple times when we scanned. You said when I saw you two days ago that you don’t feel obligated to read long E-mails from me and that you have good dreams after reading them before you go to bed, maybe I’m just as bad as Scott who like I said likes to phone you all the time and I like to send you these long messages. I said this in the message that I sent you on Tuesday Feb.5,2008:

> ...I guess we were right when we thought last Thursday that you’ll probably learn what a lot more of the games that I
> like are as I keep E-mailing you...

While we were scanning on Monday Feb.18,2008, you were looking at my CDs on the rack again and saw the game “Colin McRae Rally” hence no relation. There is also "Colin McRae Rally 2" and "Colin McRae Rally 3," I only have the first one.

Speaking about the name “McRae,” while we were scanning that same day (on the 18th). You made a joke and said that “McRae” must be a Canadian name because it ends in “eh.” You know that “McRae” is really a Scottish name, it is actually my dad’s dad who his Scottish while my dad’s mom is Norwegian. While we’re on this subject, I remember you asked me another time a while back if my mom is English. I found out since then that my mom’s dad is from Luxembourg which had a German background and we don’t know where my mom’s mom is from because she was adopted.

You read in the newspaper one time when you were here within the last few weeks that “Electronic Arts” will release the first “Play 4 Free” game where they plan to generate their revenue by using in-game advertising and microtransactions. This company is also the developer of another game I own, ”Need for Speed: High Stakes.” And you will see on my links page that “Distinctive Software,” who developed the game that my website is about, was acquired by “Electronic Arts” (in 1995). “Stunts Illusion” is the name that I gave my website while the game is just called “Stunts” without the quotes. Anyway, did you know that “Distinctive Software” was Vancouver-based and that they are now the predecessor to EA Canada (Electronic Arts Canada). Speaking about the bedtime stuff, more Wiki links for you to read.

And Speaking about the scanning you asked me one of the last times when we scanned if I plan to eventually put the images that you and I’ve been scanning onto a disc. I then said that I plan to later print them out for binders that I’m putting together. I use to have a box full of cases of 5.25 inch floppy discs of images. Once we got our first CD-burner, I erased all those floppy discs and burnt the images onto one CD. That CD was only 30 MB once burned though. I also plan to eventually make a CD full of the funny E-mails that my dad sends me once I get enough to fill a CD, until then I’ve been saving them all on my hard drive. Maybe I could even forward some of those E-mails to you.

You can get the two images we scanned two days ago from my mom’s magazine as well as some of the ones from the last couple times when we scanned including the first two (both birthday card pics) we scanned last Monday the 18th (image54.bmp and image55.bmp): all from the same location where you got the scanned images the last couple times:

image48.bmp -  I saw the movie Men with Brooms,” but we decided after seeing it that it wasn’t my type of movie. I saw lots of other movies with Leslie Nielsen, but not the “Naked Gun series” which is also not my type of movie. We took my friend, Mac, to Best Buy one day last year and he bought the “Naked Gun series” using two cards that we got him. One we gave to him for Christmas earlier that same year (Christmas 2006) and the other one we gave him for Christmas 2005. Until that day last year, he didn’t know what to buy with those gift cards. After he had them a long time and before we took him to Best Buy that day, we thought that he might have to sell them to a friend.
image49.bmp - this guy played in a TV series I use to watch called “Undeclared.”
image51.bmp - you thought this one was a “good picture.”
image53a.bmp & image53b.bmp -  both the front and backside of another birthday card image. You can see on the backside that at one time I had my own multi-coloured ink pen.
image54.bmp - you thought this one was also a “good picture.”
image55.bmp - “smartie dog
The “Kitchen Garden” is the name of a store in Peninsula Village. One of the owners brings her dachshund named Sybil to work. I saw the dog one time when I was there a few years ago, it must still be there now if it was in one of the images that we recently scanned. And my mom says that there’s lots of ways to spell the name “Sybil” but she thinks that this one’s probably the way to spell the name of the dog.

And I’m also glad to hear that you finally showed Danae the image of Taffy in the boat and that she liked it.

Now speaking about Peninsula Village, I won’t be surprised if you get a wheatgrass when we’re over there on Monday. I knew I’d probably be right when I said this in the message I sent you on Wednesday Jan.30,2008:

> Any excuse I guess so John could get out to the juice bar and get his wheatgrass.

And I don’t remember but did you get a wheatgrass that day not long after when you went to Safeway before you came to my place to get some trail mix from the bulk section? If so, then was the main reason why you went over there that one day really to buy trail mix?

Mom and me took a look at your “PATCHES THE HORSE” video. When we saw it my mom said as they were riding along quote “he's probably thinking it beats walking.” I saw the dog’s head in the car window. My mom also said that I should forward this to my grandparents (my dad’s parents) because she thinks that they’ll get a kick out of it. I haven’t E-mailed them for a long time, so I’d have to get their address from my dad. And I thought you said that was suppose to be a YouTube video, you sent it to us as an attachment.

Again, if you respond to this message I will then reply tomorrow and let you know whether to come at 1 or 4PM on Monday.


P.S. Late Happy Leap Year Day, John!...Ribbit Ribbit

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