message here
you wrote:
> ...that was an insightful email .I really get a sense of what your focused on...I really think
your writing me these
> emails is worthwhile . As long as you feel ok after writing them .i'm hoping it doesn't stress
you to go over your
> thoughts with such detail...
I’m glad that these E-mails help to give you a better understanding of what I’m focused on
and I don’t find it stressful to write you the long E-mails. Again, I know I don’t have to rush
because I know you’re coming “tomorrow,” it’s just that I knew Raynor would be coming back soon
and I also knew that Serena’s visit was coming up yesterday so I therefore thought that it’d be
best to write about as much as possible that we discussed with Raynor before we talk to these
people again. Remember I had said that if I didn’t have to send you such a long message two days
ago I would’ve sent you a bunch more of the images we had scanned, if I did decide to send them
two days ago then I would have been unnecessarily rushing myself. And keep in mind one of the
things we discussed yesterday is the fact that sending E-mails (as well as other stuff on
the computer) is one of my most well known fields, most well known talents, most well known
hobbies, etc.
If you’re going to forward some of my E-mails to Raynor and to Dr. McKibbin, I want to be
sure it’s clear to them that I’m aware the probability for me living with Carol doesn’t look
good. You did say though that probably everybody has a dream of owning their own house or
living in a certain environment. I do regret saying that “I no longer wish to have any contact
with my parents after moving out” and that I don’t wish to have any visits, I told you that I
always felt comfortable around and enjoyed being with my parents whenever there wasn’t an
altercation and therefore wouldn’t even have these kind of thoughts if it could be that way all
the time. Also remember I said in the last message I
sent you that I wouldn’t want to bother Carol about wanting to
live with her if I felt comfortable living where I am now.
I had a big messy toot just before doing my teeth last night when going to bed, this got my
pajama bottoms dirty inside the leg and then I had another messy toot that was just as bad
before I put on a clean pair of bottoms. I had messy toots all through the night last night and
was awake for a long period of time in the middle of the night from sometime between 3AM and 4
to around 7AM, one of the messy toots during this period got the second pair of pajama bottoms
dirty so I therefore had to put on a third pair and wear those for the rest of the night. Mom
will be busy doing laundry today. I also had a messy toot when in the middle of shaving this
I’ve been going poop lots for three days in a row last week (Tuesday the 19th,
Wednesday, and Thurs) and a lot of them were bigger and messier ones. I remember yesterday I
went through one whole role of toilet paper in my upstairs bathroom. I put a new one on just
before you came because I ran out and then I finished that new roll just before I went to bed
last night. There’s nobody else I want to be around besides Carol whenever I’m feeling like how
I describe in both situations that I just talked about.
I was already aware that there is no family who doesn’t have a disagreement of some kind, but
I do know there are a lot of families that are better off than myself and my parents like most
of the relatives on my dad’s side right now for example or like my friend, Mac, and his mom.
I remember Raynor said last Friday that moving our on your own for the first time and
becoming more independent are things that most people look forward to, again I feel punished to
have to become independent only because I don’t feel comfortable where I am now. And my mom told
me the night before yesterday that if I have my own place I could decorate it the way I want it
to look, so I already was aware of that before you came here and told me the same thing
yesterday. I was kind of hoping to finish renovating this house though before moving onto the
next place.
This message is now a page long so far and I think there’s no rush to write about my
thoughts after Serena’s visit, she hasn’t even called yet to set up the next visit. I think I
should give myself an easy day and get you caught up on all the light-hearted stuff that we
haven’t talked about yet. And if there’s anything else you think I should write to you about in
detail before we see Raynor next, please let me know and I’ll do so in another message
sometime before we see him again.
I’m also glad that you were finally able to read my dad’s message without any problems.
Strange that I can receive these kind of E-mail from you no problem while for some reason you
couldn’t receive this the first time I forwarded it to you.
I guess it was safe for me to bet that what you made out of ping pong balls and cat spring
yesterday on our computer desk would hold together long enough for me to get a picture, I got
one picture of it last night and then not long after I took that one picture the cat
springs fell off. Remember I told you in the message I sent you
on Friday February
8th that I took as many as seven pictures of your paper boat next
to what you made last time. I haven’t yet downloaded those seven pictures. I wish that Carol
could see these pictures and see all these amazing things that you build while I’m scanning.
My dad phoned my auntie, Karen, last Wednesday evening (the 20th) to see how her foot was
doing. Her foot is now in an air cast and she has to keep her foot elevated off the
hearth. You heard my dad say yesterday that she’s
now laying on the couch while Robert is stuck with doing all the work when he was suppose to be
off work on holidays. They’re suppose to leave for Maui in a few days and I guess Karen hopes
she will still be able to go.
My dad didn’t tell me that his gum had been bothering him for a week and half before he saw
the dentist last week. I guess that the popcorn kernel was stuck in his gum and it was on Nordel
Way after he came off of the Alex Fraser bridge on his way to the dentist when it fell out. He
continued onto the dentist anyway to have it checked out and the dentist told my dad that his
gum was a bit swollen.
At 10:20AM this morning, we had a phone call from my psychiatrist’s office (the one on
Scott Road). They called us to confirm an appointment we originally had scheduled there for
tomorrow and I guess my mom had forgot to phone and tell them that we decided to stay with the
Mental Health one. My mom phoned my dad immediately after this phone call to let him know that
he didn’t have to phone the psychiatrist’s office on Scott Road today now that she had told them
that we won’t be going there anymore.
Last Wednesday afternoon (February the 20th) at around 4PM just before I sent you my message titled “
My thoughts after the meeting,”
we got that message a fourth time about Concept 2 Lighting owing money. I told you that my mom
had written some stuff down when they called the third time, but she didn’t tell me until after
I sent you that message last Wednesday that she didn’t write down all the information because
they said it too fast and there was a lot to write down. She got all the information down when
they called the fourth time, and then when they called the fifth time last Thursday
afternoon (the 21st), it had gotten to the point where my mom just hung up and then you
heard the message when they called the sixth time just before my parents came home last Friday.
I also found out that the message that we got the first couple times they called was recorded by
a male voice and then it was a female voice the next bunch of times. After they called the
seventh time at around 11:30AM last Saturday morning (the 23rd), my dad finally called
the number and explained to them that David had passed away and there wasn’t any money left.
My dad took the whole day off work last Friday (the 22nd) and then he only took the
afternoon off yesterday. After Serena left yesterday afternoon, my parents went to Safeway
first (the one in Peninsula Village), then they went to Shoppers Drug Mart (the one on
16th Avenue across from Semiahmoo Mall) to pick up a few things, and then they decided to drive
home along the beach after Shoppers because it was a nice day for it. When driving home along
White Rock Beach, they saw that the Trolls Restaurant was up for lease. I remember it being up
for sale last summer while it was still open, but it is now closed and I guess it’s up for lease
now because no one has bought it yet. I remember them having good fish and chips the one time I
ate there many years ago, when I reminded my mom this after you left yesterday she said that
there will always be lots of places to get fish and chips along White Rock Beach. And that’s one
good thing I got living here in South Surrey, another being that I don’t live too far from the
only Safeway we know about that’s got the Chinese food I like. The reason why my parents picked
South Surrey out of all the place I told you we looked at before moving was because of me,
because South Surrey at the time we moved was one of few areas where there isn’t
as much bullying. This message is now two pages
And for your information, John, I've had a bit more interaction with my dad lately.
Especially yesterday. I came and saw him in the family room for just a few brief couple second
long periods, once after he looked at your message titled “Fw: 7 Amazing Holes” when he had left
it up on the screen so I went into the family room to ask him if he was done and if it would be
okay that I close it down. Another time yesterday evening while my camera was in the middle of
charging, I went into the family room to ask my dad if it would be okay to unplug it so that I
could take that picture I told you I took of what you built and then I told him that I would
plug it back in to finish charging once I’m done. He said that it should have enough charge for
just a still picture if I want to unplug it and take one and then plug it back in when I’m done.
Funny thing was I had then realized after this that my camera was charging in the downstairs
computer room and I had enough cord that I didn’t even need to unplug it to do what I wanted to
You asked me before my parents came home last Friday afternoon (the 22nd) what I had
planned to do for the rest of that afternoon. spent the rest of that afternoon putting together
my dad’s message in HTML format to send to you instead of spending that time on the couch. You
also asked what was for supper that same day and then what would be for my snack later that
evening. I attached a little chart to the bottom of this message that should get you caught up
on all my meals and snacks after last Friday and before today. One thing I will tell you now is
that my mom got me some JELL-O OREO PUDDING SNACKS
to try when she was at Safeway yesterday afternoon. I think I will try one for dessert after
supper tomorrow night because those have milk in them and I didn’t want to have one for dessert
at supper yesterday after having a Banana Split, so I just had an ordinary fruit jello cup last
night which my mom sprays whipped cream on top of after she opens them and before she gives them
to me for dessert. I told you that lots of things were on sale when my mom went shopping last
Monday (the 18th), she picked up four things of Nalley brand chip dip that day; two “Bacon &
Onion” and two ranch. I had some Old Dutch Rip-L potato chips last night for my snack with one
of the things of “Bacon & Onion” dip and I plan to finish off the leftover red and green
Christmas Smarties for my snack this evening.
Speaking about leftover Christmas snacks, my dad took that box of truffles I told you my
grandma sent home with him to work last Wednesday (the 20th) and set them out there for
everybody. You also remember that just before you left last Friday, my dad told you that one of
the other guys at his work was selling boxes of Caramel chocolates the day before (the
21st) for one of his kid’s fundraisers. My dad bought a box and then he phoned my mom and told
her. She told him not to bring them home because we already got enough chocolates leftover from
Christmas so he then set those out for everybody at work to have that day.
All they had left at that Safeway in Fleetwood for Valentines Day cakes when my parents
stopped there on their way home after our meeting with FVMH were just two white ones. I didn’t
tell you yet that my dad drove over to Spagnols, the beer and wine kits store on Annacis Island,
the next day (Friday the 15th) before going
to pick up my grandparents in Abbotsford. We decided we’d have him try a couple other Safeway
locations on his way home to see if they had a double-layer cake leftover from Valentines Day.
This was when my dad stopped at the two locations I told you he tried including the one where
you regularly shop at 138th and 72nd but neither of those two locations had the cake. The other
location that he tried was again the big one on Scott Road near the Scottsdale bus exchange. I
thought I better get my Valentines Day cake after finding out on such short notice about my dad
wanting to go with my grandparents down to the casino in Washington state.
My dad brought home scratch-and-win tickets for all three of us after our meeting with FVMH
including a "Set for Life" for me. No win for me even though I got two $8 on one of the three
games and two “CASH 25YEARS" on another. My dad brought us home three more scratches, one for
each of us, the next day (Friday) after he went to Spagnols and we ended up with three
duds this time. Of those
“three duds
,” mine was a
"DOLLAR SIGNS" where I got two $5 on the game where I have to match three identical dollar
amounts. Last Saturday the 23rd, dad brought home scratches for all three of us again including
a "Set for Life" for me. This time I won a free ticket on the second game. I got two $50 on the
third game and two “CASH 25YEARS" on the first, my mom had hoped that my free ticket would have
been the one that had got me cash for 25 years but later on when I got my free ticket it ended
up being yet another dud. You saw how good my math was in one of the previous messages a while
back where I calculated how much my total would come at the end of 25 years and that I thought
it might be enough for Carol to afford to retire now. Why can’t I be one to win a bunch of money
at the casino like the amount you said Dianne had won, how much money did she win again? This
message is now three pages long.
Speaking about casinos:
-last Monday when I told you my mom went to the one in Cloverdale and lost $40, that was her
first time in a casino by herself (without my dad or anybody else with her).
-I found out that my grandparents have a coupon for the Nooksack Casino every Friday and not
just the Friday when they went with my dad.
-my parents went to the Cascades casino in Langley last Friday after Raynor left. My dad came
out with an extra $100 than the amount he went in with and my mom came out with less than the
amount she went in with. They also saw when they were there that day that they’re building onto
the Cascades casino. It was at the McDonald's location that you and I ate at a few times at
32nd Avenue and King George Highway where my parents went through the drive-through and each got
a burger which they ate on the road on their way to the casino.
My dad got me two BLACKJACK scratch tickets when they were at Shoppers yesterday afternoon, I
didn’t win on either of them. There isn’t as much to choose from for scratches at Shoppers.
Remember in the car on our way back to my place after we left A&W last Friday we were talking
about betting on horses at races? There’s yet another way to make money. I told you in a
previous message a while back about my gambling:
> ...Or maybe I could bet on teams. I could start by betting as little as $5 and then if I
win the bet and win $10 , I could
> bet $5 again and then if I win again this time try betting $10 the next time. If I manage to
win so many times in a row,
> I could keep doubling until I get up into the bigger numbers then maybe I can start betting
quarters instead of halves
> like maybe $125,000 out of $50,000 for example instead of $250,000...
Remember just before we turned off 20th Avenue yesterday on our way to Dairy Queen we passed
a little red two door car that I told you looked like Carol’s Yaris which is also red and has
two doors. That was just before 2PM and High Schools don’t end the day until just after 2:30.
Plus we weren’t anywhere near EMS which is over on 16th Avenue, Semi was the High School we were
near. Carol’s Yaris is a 2007 and had already been in three accidents. Brian Lindberg, the TA I
told you about who now works with Carol at EMS, says it’s because her car is red and whenever
someone sees a blonde driving a red car they’ll bash into her. I also remember at Krista’s
wedding last summer they had a parade of three Yarises; Carol’s, Krista’s Yaris, and Holly’s (Carol’s friend’s) Yaris. Carol had told me months before Krista’s wedding that she would show me the wedding pictures. I looked forward myself those many months to seeing the pictures including the “parade of yarises” but it’s my parents’ mistake that I never got to see them because Carol didn’t get most of the pictures until after she stopped seeing me one week after the wedding.
> ...She even named the cat she has now “Yari” after the
Both names are pronounced the same way they are spelled. The letter “s” on the end of
“Yaris” (the car” is not silent.
My opinion about the Yaris now, I remember Carol’s looked like an ugly little K-car on the
outside that was nice and roomy on the inside. I do miss riding in that car though and if I do
get to ride in it again the next time better not be the last
And speaking about my red cars, my mom told me a story about
one she saw when she was out with my dad yesterday
afternoon after Serena left. After they left Peninsula Village and were on their way to
Shoppers, they were South on 152nd Street near the “Tim Hortons/Semiahmoo Mall” area where there
was a red Volvo in the lane beside them and a little ways ahead of them. There was a couple
times when this red Volvo veered into the other lane like the people in it were distracted.
After this and while the Volvo was in the curb lane, a motorcycle drove up and was driving where
it wasn’t suppose to between the curb and the Volvo. This made my mom very nervous because it
looked to her like the man on the motorcycle was gunna get crushed by the Volvo and she didn’t
think that he was gunna get out of there. This message is now four pages long.
Remember my mom went to get the mail just before you left yesterday afternoon and after they
came back from shopping. On her way to the mailbox she passed
our neighbour, Gary, who
lives across the street from us and who isn’t doing
well right now. We don’t know whether or not he’ll live because he doesn’t have a diagnosis yet.
This is the same neighbour who Carol went running to last August by the way. He’s in his mid 60s
right now and if he doesn’t make it he will have died younger than my neighbour, Mike, who I
told you passed away at age 71 last month.
That’s a lot of change I got rid of yesterday at DQ. I had
a bunch more change in the pouch on my wallet before
that which I dumped into a pile on the kitchen table last weekend. My mom then dumped out a
bunch of change she had in her wallet into the same pile and then we put it all in my piggy
bank. When doing so, I noticed that my piggy bank is getting near full and will soon be time to
roll up some change for my bank account. Now because you know I don’t want to ride with my
parents, when my piggy bank does get full do you think that taking my change into the bank would
be something that you and I could do? I could show you my bank. And maybe you could go with my
mom and me to the grocery store in a few weeks from now and I’ll pick out my Easter candy from
the bulk section. Speaking about the bank, I got a notice in the mail last Friday (the
22nd) that said they’ll be changing my bank account. They’ll be changing it to something a bit
different for people who have the same type of account I have and who don’t use their account
too often. My rent is currently $375 per month and I added an additional $1000 when I wrote out
my last rent cheque last week for my parents to hold for me in their account because my account
was getting near the $3000 limit before I wrote that cheque. I’ll be cut off disability if I go
over that limit.
You heard my dad say yesterday that it’s almost time to take those platies I have into the
fish store and get a store credit for them because they are getting so big. Because I won’t ride
with my dad, do you think that this would be another thing you and I could do? You could watch
my dad catch the fish and dump them into a bag before we leave for the fish store, you know that
he gets a lot of Thursday afternoons off work so if we do this one Thursday afternoon maybe I
could show you my favorite fish store (which I know you’ve been to already) and then we
could go out for our snack. My dad talked at one time a few years ago about having someone
volunteer to help me look after my fish if I still have fish once I’m eventually living
somewhere else after they’re gone. Pretty much all I can do is feed them and I have a hard time
seeing when it comes to maintaining the tanks and doing all the other stuff. My dad also moved
those baby mollies downstairs that he had been meaning to do for the last month because they
were getting so big. He moved them after you left yesterday afternoon and he only moved four in
total because that’s all there were for big ones in my upstairs tank, I thought there would be
Would 3PM be okay for you to come on Saturday? My mom thought maybe we could do 3 to 7PM. We
could leave at a quarter after 5 to get our Chinese food so we’ll be back at my place in time
for the news at 6PM and we can eat at the kitchen table. Or I forgot to say to you yesterday, we
could also do Sunday if it would be better for you. Either way, I'm lookin' forward. This will
be the first time I watched the news in just over two months. And speaking about the news, I got
one news story for you but I can detail it in another message because I’m getting tired now and
you told me that I don’t have to rush when E-mailing you. I hope you enjoy this message.
I spoke to my mom and she thought that it might be a good idea for me to have a quiet day on
Thursday and we could go to DQ one day next week for onion rings. Maybe I’ll have the next five
pieces of my Terry’s Chocolate Orange for my snack that afternoon. My mom told me that the
weather forecast on today’s Noon News was the same updated forecast you gave me yesterday after
the one I gave the last time I E-mailed you, so maybe we’ll get to go for a walk before snack
time on Thurs. And we now have another image to scan, my mom's gardening magazine came in the
mail this afternoon and there’s a picture in there of a cat sleeping in the flowers.
This message is now five pages long (six including the meals chart) which should be
about half the length of the last couple I sent you. I previously told you that the last one was
nine pages long, it came down to eight pages before I sent it to you after I read through it
with my mom before sending it to you. Again, I hope you enjoy reading this message.
It’s almost suppertime now and I will spend this evening on the couch after the lousy kind of sleep I told you I had last night. Remember I told you that lots of evenings after the altercation a few months ago I would lay for a bunch of hours on the big couch in our living room and my cat, Chloe, would spend that whole time in the same room as me while laying on the loveseat.
And if I don't send you another E-mail tomorrow, I’ll see you Thurs at 1PM.
P.S. Here is the “meals chart” :