----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MapEd Stunts/4D Sport Driving Terrain Editor v3.0 (c) 1995 St‚phane JANTZEN - jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) What is MapEd ? ------------------ MapEd is an editor that allows you to modify a terrain in a track file from Stunts, without patching the executable file. This means that you are not limited to the five built-in terrains, as you can save one geographic model per file. You can modify any existing track file, but MapEd does not deal with roads, bridges, scenery, as this feature is already provided by Stunts. If existing, all this stuff will remain unchanged, except when geographic data do not conform to roads (for instance, a banked road on the edge of a mountain). So the better thing to do is to start from a blank track (such as scratch.trk) and put roads, ... after have modified the terrain. 2) Requirements --------------- All machine accepting Stunts/4D Sport Driving will accept MapEd. All you need is a 640x480x16 graphic board and a mouse. MapEd does not need a three-button mouse anymore. 3) Contents ----------- - readme.txt : this file. - maped.exe : executable file. - maped_1.trk : demo track file. - maped_2.trk : demo track file. - jump.trk : take a March and discover vertical slalom. - take_off.rpl : shows how I have satellised my March on a custom track :) 4) How does it work ? --------------------- Just type "Maped track_file" at the dos prompt. Due to mouse configuring problems, MapEd shouldn't be launched neither from Windows Program Manager, nor in a Dos session under Windows. The track files are the ones with the ".trk" extension, which you have to type. If no error occurs during loading, you'll see the editor main display. The left side of the screen shows you the terrain as loaded form the file. The right side shows a column of all the different types of terrain you can enter, plus several indicators : Mode, Messages, and a review of the available keys. 5) Controls ----------- * The mouse buttons act as follows : - The left button places on the map the selected terrain, or validates the special stuff. (just follow the messages) - The right button clears the terrain, i.e. put a grass square. * The keyboard input recognizes the following keys : - D ("Dump") : Puts a copy of the whole current map in memory. - F ("Fetch") : Recalls the map from memory. Acts like an undo. - R ("Rectangle") : Allows you to draw rectangles from corners. - L ("Floodfill") : Floodfills, with the selected terrain as pattern. - A ("Auto-edge") : The most useful feature of v3.0. Auto-edge automa- tically draws the edges of all mountains on the map, using only high-level grass as reference. - C ("Clear") : Clears the current map. The dump copy is retained. - S ("Save") : Saves the current map in the file given as starting parameter, without quitting. - Q ("Quit") : Quits without saving. * Terrain item controls : - '-' key or cursor up : Next item. - '+' key or cursor down : Previous item. - cursor left : First item. - cursor right : Last item. MapEd does not check the validity of the file, i.e. you'll have to test it in Stunts. But it is really easy to make a valid file :) For instance, never draw moutains that are not completely edged, except on the edges of the map. With Auto-edge this shouldn't happen. If you try several strange combinations, some of them will probably work, such as making a banked straight road running along in a river. 6) Compatibility ---------------- I've been said that several versions of Stunts were available, from Mindscape or Broderbund. I have developped MapEd for the oldest Broderbund version. As far as I know, MapEd seems to work properly with each version. Please let me know if you have compatibility problems, or if you know differences in files formats. 7) Oh, God ! Not this f*ckin' and borin' legal stuff ! ------------------------------------------------------ You may use this program freely, and distribute it in its actual form (maped3.zip). If you like this program, just send me an e-mail at the ad- dress above. I like to know that my programs are useful, this gives me the desire to improve them :) I would also like to see your best creations. You use this program at your own risk : I am not responsible for any damage that may occur to your files, system or hardware. But as this program is not a patch, the risk is quite little for your whole stuff. 8) History ---------- - Version 1.0 - 12/94 : First release. No mouse support, just a demo version - not distributed (just for fun). - Version 1.1 - 04/95 : Optimized code, mouse support added. "Quit without saving" added. - Version 2.0 - 05/95 : Mouse now controls everything. More simple inter- face. - Version 3.0 - 05/95 : Fully rewritten. Now supports undo, keyboard con- trol [again :)]. Some drawing aids added.