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About my stomach problems

Date Sent:

Monday Aug.3,2009 at 3:58 PM



I remember you said that “constipated” would be the term to use if I can’t go poop when I really feel like I have to go and you couldn’t think of the medical term for if I can’t pee. And I had said to you that I didn’t know yesterday while it was happening whether I was constipated or if I just couldn’t pee because I hadn’t tried to go poop. I remember that the only other time I had been constipated before which was around Valentines Day 2007, it started with just not being able to go poop and then a couple hours later I ended up also being no longer able to pee when I had to go. I also remember that you mentioned yesterday about the adult diapers for people who have that kind of problem all the time, I almost felt like I needed to wear those on that day in 2007 once I was no longer able to urinate because it was so bad that I couldn’t leave the bathroom...I’d just have to run right back there because I was almost ready to make another mess after every time I tried to leave.

You said that you thought it could’ve been because maybe I was worried about something or it might’ve just been because of the hot weather. I asked my mom if she thought I’d been worried about anything lately but she didn’t think so and then she too said that it might have just been because of the hot weather. I’ll tell you one thing however that if I’m standing at a urinal in a public washroom and then someone walks up to the one right next to me and stands there, I tend to find it harder to go until I have the room almost to myself again. That way, I’d end up spending even more time in there. Also remember that yesterday we could’ve been back at my place twenty minutes sooner if the dogs didn’t start barking when I was finally starting to go.

And I might not be ready to spend such a long period of time with Larry right now....I’d like if Carol could spend those six or seven hours with me on Saturday and then from there she starts seeing me again on every Sunday. I think that Carol should give me a chance at another relationship after what happened yesterday. Or better still, I think that she should let me come live with her.

Remember I told you before that I know Carol knows how to look after me when I’m not feeling well? Sometimes when I had a bad stomach while Carol was visiting me she would suggest putting that cat (the one you heat up in the microwave) over my stomach, she would also suggest putting the heating pad over my shoulder when I had a bad back and she also suggested seeing the chiropractor every three weeks to get my back realigned. I also told you before that both of Carol’s daughters have the same stomach problems that I have and both of them had been to the naturopath.

And also when Carol was with me on the next day after the one day that I had been constipated, she suggested that I pour myself an extra glass of water before we left to go pick up our Chinese food even though I normally don’t have anything to drink or eat at that time of day. Carol just thought that it might help me that one day because I still wasn’t feeling that great after being constipated on the day before and also I had to urinate lots on the next day when Carol was with me. And I didn’t get to enjoy the round double-layer chocolate Valentines cake that I picked out earlier in the week for Carol and me to have for dessert after our Chinese food, I was disappointed that there wasn’t as much leftover for me to have later in the week because we had to give half that cake away. I never saw that cake again in Safeway since Valentines Day that year, it had some purple on one side and green on the other and then none of the Safeway locations that my mom and dad went to the next year at Valentines Day 2008 had the double-layer cake in chocolate. On another note, I remember that Carol had been constipated herself a lot of the times when she was at my place. I remember that a lot of the times she had to run up the stairs to use my bathroom while I was in the one downstairs.

And I think that now you should have a good understanding about why I haven’t gone away anywhere overnight for five years after I wasn’t feeling well on the last two times I went away with my parents and both of those trips were to the same spot in Washington state. You asked me yesterday in person what I thought when I read the portion of your E-mail where you said that we could get a passport for Bubbles and walk him in the area where that bridge is down in California. Well, there’s no way I would go for that seeing how I don’t want to travel that far into the U.S. anytime soon.

Also, my dad’s taking Thursday off work so that either he or my mom could take Jenny to her MRI while the other one stays at home with me. And then you might finally get to meet Jenny in the afternoon on Thursday if they bring her back to my place for a few minutes before both of my parents take her out for a late lunch at the Olive Garden. Jenny phoned us at least five times yesterday throughout the entire day, the first time at 8:30 in the morning while my mom was still in bed. I think I have noticed that Jenny’s the only one lately who phones our home number, most times when our phone rings lately it’s usually her. My dad teased her by calling her a “battery wearer outer” because she won’t stop phoning my mom and when she does she drains all the charge out of our phone’s batteries. She never wants to let my mom go when she phones us and she’ll just keep talking to my mom even if there isn’t anything new to talk about. Jenny will tell my mom over and over about the same things that she already had told my mom about. And when my dad answered the phone yesterday evening when Jenny phoned us for the fifth time yesterday, she asked him if he thinks himself it was starting to bother us that she was phoning too much.


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