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Re: Fw: Fw: High speed camera shots SPECTACULAR !!!!!!!!

Date Sent:

Wednesday May.6,2009


Really cool pictures, John. I showed them to Larry when he was here yesterday afternoon and I will also forward this E-mail (the one that I’m responding to right now) to him because he asked me to do so when he saw me in person. Did you copy the link and download the pics that I took when we were at Crescent Park last Thursday?

We had a short power outage at around 9PM two nights ago (on Monday evening) but if you heard about that man who was killed while replacing gutters on a home in White Rock, my dad didn’t think that it was the same outage because that happened around two o’clock in the afternoon and our’s was out for only ten minutes. And Izzy was all excited, I think this was the first time when our power went out since before we got Izzy.

Also, my mom told me that Izzy was laying for a while in the afternoon two days ago (on Monday) in that pile of dirt where my dad took out the hazlenut tree.

Did you read in the message I sent you two days ago (on Monday) that my cousin, Jeff, and his wife, Jen, had a boy? My parents thought it was funny that I already knew before we even found out that the baby’s first name would start with either the letter J or the letter R. And I was right, they named him Jacob Riley. I thought they’d give him a J name seeing how the first names of both his parents begin with the letter J.

Larry and I had this conversation that got him to thinking about this Billy Joel video that he sent me the link for. I then told him in person that I already watched that one with you, so he said that he’ll go online and spend all night on YouTube trying to find a Billy Joel video that I haven’t seen yet. If he sends me a link before our visit tomorrow afternoon, maybe you and I could see it. Also, my mom cut that cat comic strip titled “MUTTS” by Patrick McDonnel out of last Sunday’s Province newspaper for you and I to scan tomorrow.

We decided not to drive to Campbell Park yesterday because we assumed that the trails there were probably mucky after all the heavy rain that we had, so we just went for a walk around my neighbourhood. And then I had originally been planning to have our snack at home until just as we were coming back from our walk Larry asked me if I wanted to go to Dairy Queen again. I hadn’t been expecting that, but I agreed to go anyway and I had a banana split this time even though Larry did say that he brought a snack from home for himself incase I did say “no” to going to DQ again.

And Larry said that he can’t come on Tuesday May 19th so my dad set up the energy audit for 11:30 in the morning on that day. I could go out and do something with my mom and go out for lunch with her while my dad stays at home with the people doing the audit and then my dad got thinking that it would be a good time for him to take a five day weekend by also taking off the Monday, they’re coming at around 8:30 or 9AM on the day after the energy audit (on Wednesday) to install the new furnace.


-----Original Message-----
From: John []
Sent: May 4, 2009 2:46 PM
To: Neil McRae
Subject: Fw: Fw: High speed camera shots SPECTACULAR !!!!!!!!

Some of these shots are so remarkable as to be worthy of your thought...john
----- Original Message -----

: Fw: High speed camera shots SPECTACULAR !

This is spectacular camera work.

See original message for the actual pics.

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