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RE: let it snow

Date Sent:

Wednesday Dec.17,2008



you wrote:
> ...I was waiting for you to talk about when you'd like to see your friend. I also thought that maybe your Dad was
> going to take you...

Why would you think that my dad was going to take me if I mentioned two weeks ago in a previous E-mail about wanting to go with you? Also, I did the same thing with Carol the last couple of years.

> Maybe we could go see Kris on Sunday early afternoon if the weather isn't bad...Maybe Kris has some
> days off for Christmas holidays? That would open up some more possibilities...

I’ll call Kris tonight and see what he says. And if you could also still come on Friday afternoon, my mom and dad haven’t went out yet and cut down our Christmas tree. You asked me when you were here last week (on Monday the 8th) when we usually go out and get it. And I’ll tell you that we usually have it by now.

> We can always make up time if your too tired or not feeling well.So next time you dont feel up to a visit
> we'll just reschedule .It shouldn.t be a problem as mostly you are in good spirits...

Yes, I would’ve wanted to reschedule our visit two days ago. Again, my mom just isn’t flexible when I want to change something and I had a hard enough time at first trying to talk her out of Larry coming here after I didn’t find out until in the morning on that day that he was coming.

> ...I have a little concert to play in Port Moody tomorrow. i hope the roads will be good by then...

My mom has to go for her mammogram tomorrow morning at 11:10 AM. My dad’s taking the time off work to stay with me while she goes and gets that done, but he might have to drive her there in his Subaru if the snow isn’t gone by then which therefore means that I would be at home by myself. I wish that you and I could go out for lunch tomorrow.

See you on Friday at 1PM.


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