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Scary 13

Date Sent:

Sunday Nov.2,2008



We got our 13th trick-or-treater, she came to door at around 8:30 while I was upstairs having my shower. My dad gave her one bag of gummies and a bag of chips. If only we could’ve somehow known to start with that we were only going to get 13 trick-or-treaters, then we could’ve given all of them each a bag of gummies and a bag of chips. Because of this, I have too many bags of chips and of gummies left for myself. And Izzy found your potato chip that you dropped and couldn’t find. It was under the couch. She found it, she liked it, and she thought that it was a good snack.

You heard my dad say that one of those girls in that group of five could’ve been Wenpeng’s daughter. On the drive home from work two days ago on Halloween day, Wenpeng who’s in my dad’s carpool had a phone call from his daughter letting him know that she was all ready to go trick-or-treating.

And now my thoughts about having a different worker come on Saturdays. You thought that I’d benefit from having a third session every week because you said that you were concerned after you read the last E-mail I sent you and thought that I was bored. I’ll let you know that it’s not that I’m bored. I have things that I could be doing in my spare time including things that I have lined up waiting to do for other people instead of just you, it’s just that I feel lazy and don’t feel ambitious enough to do those things. I said in previous E-mails that I’ve got lots of computer games I haven’t played, I have lots of cassettes and I plan to download all the songs that are on them so that I could do away with my cassettes and then burn the music to CDs, I still have yet to finish my grandparents’ home movies, and I have our video to work on that we took of the Douglas-fir trail. Again, I didn’t start having this problem until just a month or two ago and I’m sure that I would’ve felt like working on those things anytime before this started happening just as long as other things didn’t keep taking up my time. In addition to all of this, I’ll also remind you that my sleep patterns have been messed up over this last month or two and because of this I’m worried that it’ll be too hard to get up early on the day of my dentist appointment this coming week.

My mom saw two days ago on Friday’s Noon News that the police were already busy in South Surrey on the morning of that day, someone set off a smoke bomb at Earl Marriott Secondary and a flare was set off in one of the stairwells at Semiahmoo Secondary. I wish that I could’ve shared these stories with Carol who told me that the same thing happened at Earl Marriott on Halloween day of the same year that she first started working there. She also knew that this happened on Halloween every year up until the first year she was at that school, and she also thought that her first year there would’ve been the last year that they would’ve done this because the kids who they suspected were doing it were suppose to graduate at the end of that year. It just isn’t right that Carol is employed at that school while she isn’t working with me and while these things happened two days ago both there and at Semiahmoo Secondary.

Two days ago in Friday’s edition of the Peace Arch, they had a list of some of the stores that will be opening this fall over by where Wal-Mart is on 24th Avenue and one of them is called “Cupcakes” which I assume is probably another bakery. For the last few years, the Hillcrest bakery has been the only bakery left in all of “South Surrey/White Rock.”

My dad flushed one of my glow light tetras yesterday afternoon after he found it dead in my 32 gallon tank. I still have at least seven glow lights left and I usually like to have at least five at a time so I don’t need to worry about replacing this one right away. And that’s the same tank in which we found one of my four angelfish dead on the day before Halloween. Speaking about fish, we were changing our calendars this afternoon and when we were changing my “CORAL REEF ALLIANCE” calendar in my fish room we noticed a caption on this month’s page that said a lot of the fish come from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It was either you or Ray who asked if I knew where any of the fish come from.

Dave at my dad’s work told my dad a couple days ago about a show called “Dog Whisperer.” It’s about a guy who helps people who have dogs that they can’t control, and he can usually get the dogs under control within 15 minutes. My dad now has the first couple seasons downloading on BitTorrent, once the downloads are complete he’ll then try the show himself and see if he likes it. And my dad remembers that Dave also said “the guy rehabilitates dogs and trains the owners.”

I told you that we’ve been a few times to Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Tsawwassen, but I asked my mom and she doesn’t think that we were there when the snow geese were there. My dad said that all we’ve seen of the snow geese were when we saw them in the fields along Highway 99 while driving along there.

I remember a few days ago you asked me if I like fish and chips, I believe it was crab that we were talking about at the time if I remember correctly. Remember that I had fish and chips the one time you and I were at White Spot for lunch after one of our meetings in Port Coquitlam.

I also remember you suggested one time not too long ago that we should put a bell on Izzy’s collar. It was in the message I sent you on Saturday May 10,2008 when I told you that Izzy’s first collar did have a bell to start with but it drove us nuts so we ended up taking off the bell.

And here is the excerpt from the message I sent you on Wednesday Oct.8,2008 in which I told you what the fewest amount of trick-or-treaters we got was while living at this house:

> ...And I asked my mom what the fewest amount of kids we got at Halloween was, she thought the fewest was ten
> and the most we got while living at this house was around 60.

My mom said that I haven’t seen any Ghost Busters movies as far as she could remember. And I told you in the message that I sent you on Sunday Oct.19,2008 that I own the fullscreen Complete “Back to the Future” Trilogy on DVD, so of course I’ve seen “Back to the Future.”

In addition to the videos that you saw of my uncle’s 60th birthday, my dad also tried to take a video when he was there last Sunday of all the flamingos that they had on their front lawn but I guess that video didn’t record for some reason. Anyway, they had both black and pink flamingos and they also had on their front lawn a black pig and a big sign that said “Happy Birthday Gordon, you old buzzard.” And my dad had an E-mail one day last week from Gordon’s daughter, my cousin Janice. She said that she would like to see some of the pictures and video that my dad took at the 60th birthday, so my dad said that when I get time I could copy the pictures and videos onto one of my memory sticks so that he could send them to her. She also said in the E-mail that she hasn’t seen my mom and me for a long time.

And you heard my dad say when you were here a few days ago that he booked Monday the 10th off work so that he’ll have a four-day weekend with Tuesday the 11th being Remembrance Day. Remember that’s the day I said that I wanted to have my Chinese dinner? That might be a good day for my mom and dad to go and do something while you come here from 1PM until sometime in the evening seeing how we’ll only be seeing each other once this week because of my dentist appointment.

For my afternoon snack today, I finally had my sample pack of “Chips Ahoy” Thinsations “Thin Crisps” that came to the door a month or two ago. And today on our front doorstep, we got a sample pack of “fibre 1” Honey Clusters breakfast cereal and a fibre 1 “Oats & Chocolate” bar. My mom thinks that I probably won’t like the cereal but she said that she’ll save the “Oats & Chocolate” bar for me to try.

See you tomorrow at 1PM and again on Monday the 10th also at 1PM.



“Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!”

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